Western Books

Shepherds for Science

W. C. Tuttle

We found out why the roan wanted to get a down-hill pull on us, ’cause as soon as we hit the grade the animal inagurates a new style of bucking. Was it effective? Oh, man, I’d rise to remark it was. I..

The Rider of the Mohave

James Fellom

The rider was in a half swoon, mumbling thickly. Above his right ear was a long, bloody furrow, like the plow of a bullet. The bandanna he had had for a bandage had slipped down over his face, neglect..

The Laughter of Slim Malone

Max Brand

Appleton decreed the day of the arrival of the new sheriff a festival occasion. The farmers from the adjoining table-land drove into town, the miners from the three valleys rode down. And when the sta..

The Loom of the Desert

Idah Meacham Strobridge

Mesquite had gathered the reins into his left hand, and was ready for his cat-like spring into place. His left foot was thrust into the stirrup—there was the sweep of a long leg thrown across the sadd..

Caleb Conover, Railroader

Albert Payson Terhune

The wilful coarseness and brutality of the man came as no surprise to Standish. He had expected something of the sort, and had braced himself for it. To please his aunt, whom he sincerely pitied, he h..

From Missouri

Zane Grey

Springer led her over to the buckboard and helped her in, then stowed the valise under the back seat. “Here, let me put this robe over you,” he said. “It’ll be dusty. And when we’get up on the ridge i..

The Cutest Boy in Wall Street


On his way back to the office Jack stopped at the Seaman’s Bank, on the corner of Wall and Pearl Streets, and opened a personal account for $150. The balance of the $200 he had received from Mrs. Bree..

The Buckaroo of Blue Wells

W. C. Tuttle

James was being paid the munificent sum of seventy dollars a month. He happened to know that David Conley drew one hundred and fifty dollars in his monthly envelope. James shook his head and shifted h..