Tragedy Books

Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound and the Seven Against Thebes


Prometheus Bound is the only complete tragedy of the Prometheia trilogy, traditionally assumed to be the work of Aeschylus. Jupiter has turned against Prometheus for protecting mankind and has ordered..

Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 6

Samuel Richardson

It tells the tragic story of a heroine whose quest for virtue is continually thwarted by her family, It is generally regarded as Richardson's masterpiece. This is Volume six out of a series of nine Vo..

La mort de César - Tragédie


La mort de César: Tragédie is a French tragedy drama of the English version (The Death of Caesar ) by Voltaire...

Die Geburt der Tragödie - Versuch einer Selbstkritik

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Die Geburt der Tragödie: Versuch einer Selbstkritik is the German origin of the translated English title "The Birth of Tragedy" from the Spirit of Music is an 1872 work of dramatic theory by the Germa..

King Arthur's Socks and Other Village Plays

Floyd Dell

King Arthur's Socks and Other Village Plays is a collection 11 one act plays written by Floyd Dell, an American newspaper and magazine editor, literary critic, novelist, playwright, and poet. The..

The Flood

Émile Zola

The Flood is  a short story by Émile Zola, a French novelist, playwright, journalist, the best-known practitioner of the literary school of naturalism. The story is set in the village of Sai..

The Maids Tragedy

Francis Beaumont & John Fletcher

Written by Francis Beaumont & John Fletcher, this tragic drama The Maids Tragedy acclaimed critical responses. When gentleman soldier Melantius returns to Rhodes, he finds his dear frien..

The Electra of Euripides


The Electra is a Greek drama based on mythology written by Athens tragedian Euripides and has been translated into English by Murray.Electra (the Unmated One) is eaten up with hatred of her mother Cly..