Theology Books

The Basis of Early Christian Theism

Lawrence Thomas Cole

A question which every author ought to ask of himself before he sends forth his work, and one which must occur to every thoughtful reader, is the inquiry, Cui bono?—what justification has one for trea..

Christian Mysticism

William Ralph Inge

The first of the subjects which, according to the will of Canon Bampton, are prescribed for the Lecturers upon his foundation, is the confirmation and establishment of the Christian faith. This is the..

American Missionary, Vol. XXXIV., No. 5, May 1880

Various Authors

American Missionary, Vol. XXXIV., No. 5, May 1880, a periodical published by American Missionary...

Christian Devotedness

Anthony Norris Groves

Christian Devotedness is a practical theology on Christian life written by Anthony Norris Groves,  an English Protestant missionary and the "father of faith missions". He launched the first Prote..

A Brief Commentary on the Apocalypse

Sylvester Bliss

The Apocalypse should be regarded as a peculiarly interesting portion of scripture: a blessing being promised those who read, hear, and keep the things which are written therein. It has been subjected..

Church work among the Negroes in the South

Robert Strange

Church work among the Negroes in the South is a theological work by THE RIGHT REVEREND ROBERT STRANGE, D. D., Bishop of East Carolina, Preached on the Evening of the Fifth Sunday in Lent at ..

Robert Moffat

David J. Deane

Robert Moffat: The Missionary Hero of Kuruman is the story of a courageous man who came to Africa with the strength of his convictions. He endured wild beasts, hunger, savages, and emotional tribulati..

De Groote Pyramide

H. J. van Ginkel

De Groote Pyramide is a Dutch philosophical work written by H. J. van Ginkel...