The Ivory Trail is an adventure novel written by Talbot Mundy, an English writer during the early 20th century who wrote historical and sci-fi novels that proved very influential on subsequent generat..
Affair in Araby is a highly exciting adventure story featuring James Schuyler Grim, better known as Jimgrim. Jimgrim is an American secret service agent employed by the British and stationed in Jerusa..
Jimgrim and Allah's Peace is a Jerusalem fiction written by Talbot Mundy, an English-born American writer of adventure fiction. Based for most of his life in the United States, he also wrote..
King--of the Khyber Rifles: A Romance of Adventure by Talbot Mundy is a political thriller story written by Talbot Mundy was an English-born American writer of adventure fiction. Based for most of his..
The Lady and the Lord is a short story written by Talbot Mundy, an English-born American writer of adventure fiction. Based for most of his life in the United States, he also wrote under the pseu..
The Eye of Zeitoon is an Armenian adventure fiction story written by Talbot Mundy, an English-born American writer of adventure fiction. Based for most of his life in the United States, he also w..
Talbot Mundy, perhaps the greatest adventure writer of the 20th century, wrote "The Soul Of A Regiment" at the very beginning of his career. Voted the greatest story ever published in "Adventure", thi..
I take leave to dedicate this book to Mr. Elmer Davis, through whose friendly offices I was led to track down the hero of these adventures and to find the true account of them even better than the dai..