Science Books

The Principle of Relativity

Albert Einstein

Michelson-Morley Experiment.—In 1881, Michelson and Morley performed their classical experiments which undermined the whole structure of the old ether theory and thus served to introduce the new theor..

Wireless Possibilities

A. M. Low

A few lines of history are desirable here. I do not mean the history controlled by the fact that William the Conqueror made many important appointments in A.D. 1066 or that Stephen was particularly bu..

Researches Chemical and Philosophical

Humphry Davy

Early experience has taught me the folly of hasty generalisation. We are ignorant of the laws of corpuscular motion; and an immense mass of minute observations concerning the more complicated chemical..

Bees, Shown to the Children

Ellison Hawks

In this little book I intend to tell you something about my bees. I hope that you will be interested to read what I have written, and then perhaps, later on, when you grow up, you may keep bees, and y..

Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony Simply Explained

Alfred Powell Morgan

Wireless telegraphy, that marvelous art which has made possible the instantaneous transmission of intelligence between widely distant parts having no apparent physical connection save that of the eart..

Fabre's Book of Insects

Mrs. Rodolph Stawell

My first introduction to chemistry was less fortunate. It ended in the bursting of a glass vessel, with the result that most of my fellow-pupils were hurt, one of them nearly lost his sight, the lectu..

An Attempt to Investigate the Seat of Animal Life

Henry Curtis

Some physiologists, and those of no mean note, have considered the operations of the human frame as a circle of functions governed by mechanical organic laws, as we discover in an hydraulic machine, o..

Life Among the Butterflies

Vance Randolph

The body of a butterfly, like that of any other insect, is divided by constrictions into three parts: the head, the thorax, and the abdomen. The head carries the eyes, antennae, and mouth parts; the t..