Science Fiction Books

A Journey into the Interior of the Earth

Jules Verne

THE "Voyages Extraordinaires" of M. Jules Verne deserve to be made widely known in English-speaking countries by means of carefully prepared translations. Witty and ingenious adaptations of the resear..

A Columbus of Space

Garrett Putman Serviss

A Columbus of Space is a science fiction novel written by Garrett Putman Serviss. I am a hero worshiper; an insatiable devourer of biographies; and I say that no man in all the splendid list..

The Ambulance Made Two Trips

Murray Leinster

The Ambulance Made Two Trips is a short story written by Murray Leinster. Detective Sergeant Fitzgerald found a package before his door that morning, along with the milk. He took it inside a..

City of Endless Night

Milo M. Hastings

City of Endless Night is a science fiction novel written by Milo Hastings.When but a child of seven my uncle placed me in a private school in which one of the so-called redeemed sub-sailors was a teac..

The Man Who Came Early

Poul William Anderson

The Man Who Came Early is a science fiction short story by Danish-American author Poul Anderson. Similar in some respects to Mark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, the story is in f..

In the Year 2889

Jules Verne

In the Year 2889 is an 1889 short story published under the name of Jules Verne, but now believed to be mainly the work of his son Michel Verne, based on his father's ideas...

The Last Man

Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

The Last Man is Mary Shelley's apocalyptic sci-fi novel published in 1826. It portrays a future ravaged by plague and famine in which technology, religion and hope are wiped away. Shelley is the first..

Archibald Malmaison

Julian Hawthorne

Archibald Malmaison is a science fiction story written by Julian Hawthorne...