Science Fiction Books

The Best of Fences

Randall Garrett

The Colonization Program Building filled better than a cubic mile of the city's space, housing every function of the operation that was taking man to the stars, trying to get the race of man there bef..

Course of Empire

Richard Wilson

Exactly. Only of course it was called bêche d'espace. Me two-fellah vimb' kitch-im pjoug by'm by. But even after the language difficulty was solved, we had our troubles. They already had camels on Mar..

The Futile Flight of John Arthur Benn

Richard Wilson

John Arthur Benn blacked out somewhere in the limbo of the pre-Christian era, as he'd been warned he might, and when he came to he found himself lying in a rather uncomfortable heap with his head in a..


Charles Beaumont

Ritchie tried to keep the smile. He remembered, all right. Much too well. The whole story was crazy, normally enough to get the kid off with a life sentence in the criminally insane ward. But it was a..

The Engineer

Frederik Pohl

He had them; they were listening. He said forcefully: "I want a task force consisting of a petrochemist, a vibrations man, a hydrostatics man and a structural engineer. Co-opt mathematicians and compu..

Glow Worm

Harlan Ellison

Twenty-three young men, routine volunteers, as fit as the era of war could produce, had been moved to the solitary block building in Salt Lake City. It was a cubed structure with no windows and only o..

A Likely Story

Damon Knight

Tom Q. Jones went by in a hurry, carrying a big camera. That was unusual; Tom Q. is head components designer for a leading radio-TV manufacturer, and has sold, I guess, about two million words of scie..

Phantom Duel

Ford McCormack

Berry, the navigator, had turned in shortly after the fix and was probably asleep by now. Archer would need him—it was going to be tricky to plot a follow-course this close to the planet with enough l..