Philosophy Books

The Art of War

Sun Tzu

Napoleon read it. As did General MacArthur, Mao Tse-tung, and Tony Soprano. But Sun Tzu's Art of War is more than the most influential and famous book on military strategy: it's also a great everyday ..

The Communist Manifesto

Karl Marx

The Communist Manifesto is attributed to both Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, though Marx gets most of the credit for writing one of the world's most politically significant documents. It details the ..

The Kama Sutra of Vatsayayana

Sir Richard Francis Burton

The Kama Sutra was like Maxim magazine for ancient Hindus. In this version we not only feature the classic Indian sex manual, but the version translated by everyone's favorite British Knight, Sir Rich..

The Age of Reason

Thomas Paine

If Thomas Paine were alive today he'd probably be a blogger. As a pamphleteer, he could spread his dissident ideas so cheaply and quickly that they caught on like proverbial wildfire. As with Common S..

The Analects of Confucius


The Analects are a record of the deeds and wisdom of China's primary philosopher Confucius, who lived during the 5th century BC. Much like Socrates, whose wisdom was later recorded by Plato, Confucius..

Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin

It sounds like a joke, but if you look up Autobiography in Wikipedia you get the front cover of Benjamin Franklin's autobiography-that's how famous it is. Considered one of the first real autobiograph..

The Life of Buddha and Its Lessons

H.S. Olcott

The Life of the Buddha and its Lessons was written by a fellow named Henry Steel Olcott, who was born in New Jersey in 1832, and is considered the "first American Buddhist." Along with famed occultist..

Gettysburg Address

Abraham Lincoln

At Gettysburg, the famous Civil War battleground, Abraham Lincoln said: "The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here." This is something..