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Author Index:
A. A. Milne
A. B. Drachmann
A. B. S. Tennyson
A. B. Simpson
A. C. Bradley
A. C. Gaebelein
A. C. Gilbert
A. C. Wootton
A. E. Holt White
A. E. Housman
A. E. Pratt
A. E. W. Mason
A. F. Pollard
A. H. J. Greenidge
A. Heaton Cooper
A. Hyatt Verrill
A. I. Kuprin
A. J. Finberg
A. J. Gordon
A. L. Baldry
A. L. O. E. (A Lady of England)
A. Loisette
A. M. Chisholm
A. M. Low
A. Margaretta Archambault
A. Maude Royden
A. N. Palmer
A. O. Exquemelin
A. Philips Wilson
A. R. Calhoun
A. St. H. Brock
A. St. John Adcock
A. T. Mahan
A. W. Duncan
A. W. Kinglake
A. W. Weston
A.W. Tozer
Aarni Kouta
Abbé Prévost
Abel Botelho
Abigail Mott
Abílio Manuel Guerra Junqueiro
Abraham Cahan
Abraham Epstein
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Merritt
Abraham Myerson
Achmed Abdullah
Ada Leverson
Ada M. Skinner
Adam L. Gowans
Adam S. Bennion
Adam Smith
Adela E. Orpen
Adeline Dutton Train Whitney
Adeline Knapp
Adolph Francis
Adolphe Thiers
Adrien Le Corbeau
Agatha Christie
Agnes M. Clerke
Agnes Mary Clerke
Agnes Rothery
Agnes Rush Burr
Ahad Ha'am
Akutagawa Ryunosuke
Alain Rene Le Sage
Alan Edward Nourse
Alan J. Ramm
Alan Nourse
Albert Bigelow Paine
Albert C. Manucy
Albert Einstein
Albert Ernest Jenks
Albert F. Calvert
Albert Farges
Albert Frederick Calvert
Albert Moll
Albert Payson Terhune
Albert Plummer
Albert Smith
Albert W. Aiken
Alberta M. Goudiss
Alberta von Brochowska
Albrecht Jensen
Alcinous Burton Jamison
Aldous Huxley
Alec Waugh
Aleksandr Borisovich
Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin
Aleksis Kivi
Alessandro Manzoni
Alex Philip
Alex. St. Clair Abrams
Alexander Bain
Alexander Blade
Alexander Crombie
Alexander Forbes
Alexander Fraser Tytler
Alexander Maclaren
Alexander Montgomery
Alexander Peterkin
Alexander Pope
Alexander Sutherland Neill
Alexander von Humboldt
Alexander Whyte
Alexandre Dumas
Alexis de Tocqueville
Alfred Binet
Alfred Coppel
Alfred Dreyfus
Alfred E. Maxwell
Alfred H. Engelbach
Alfred Henry Lewis
Alfred Henschke
Alfred Joseph Sewell
Alfred Lambourne
Alfred Lichtenstein
Alfred Lord Tennyson
Alfred Oscar Coffin
Alfred Powell Morgan
Alfred Russel Wallace
Alfred Thayer Mahan
Algernon Blackwood
Algernon Charles Swinburne
Alice A. Ball
Alice B. Emerson
Alice Bradley
Alice Bradley Haven
Alice C. Hegan
Alice Duer Miller
Alice E. Bartlett
Alice Hale Burnett
Alice Le Blond
Alice M. Diehl
Alice Moore Dunbar-Nelson
Alice Morse Earle
Alice Turner Curtis
Alister Mackenzie
Allan Monkhouse
Allen Chapman
Allen Kim Lang
Allen Upward
Allyn Donnelson
Almeida Garrett
Almira Bailey
Almroth Wright
Alpha Banta Benson
Alpheus Hyatt Verrill
Alphonse Daudet
Amanda M. Douglas
Ambrose Bierce
Amedee Achard
Amelia E. Barr
Amelia Gere Mason
Amelia Simmons
American Standard Version
American Thread Company
Amy Brooks
Amy Le Feuvre
Amy Walton
Anatole France
André Gide
Andre Norton
Andreas Latzko
Andrew A. Bonar
Andrew Carnegie
Andrew Dickson White
Andrew H. Foote
Andrew H. Walpole
Andrew J. Blackbird
Andrew Lang
Andy Adams
Angel Day
Angela Brazil
Angela M. Keyes
Angelina Vidal
Angelina Weld Grimké
Anita Loos
Ann Radcliffe
Ann Ward Radcliffe
Ann Wilson
Anna Balmer Myers
Anna Chapin Ray
Anna Graetz
Anna Katharine Green
Anna M. Galbraith
Anna Magdalena Johannsen
Anna Sewell
Anne Brontë
Anne Douglas Sedgwick
Anne Hollingsworth Wharton
Annette Fiske
Annie Besant
Annie Edwards
Annie F. Johnston
Annie Fellows Johnston
Annie Hamilton Donnell
Annie L. Burton
Annie Payson Call
Ansel F. Hall
Antero de Quental
Anthony Euwer
Anthony Hope
Anthony Norris Groves
Anthony Trollope
Antipope Hippolytus
Anton Chekhov
Anton Lungwitz
Anton Tchekoff
Anton Von Schiefner
Antonino M
Antonio Colmenero de Ledesma
Antonio Ghislanzoni
António Vieira
Aphra Behn
Apollonius Rhodius
Apsley Cherry-Garrard
Arch Alfred McKillen
Archibald Forbes
Archibald Gracie
Archibald Lampman
Archibald Murray Howe
Archibald Scott
Archibald Williams
Archie Frederick Collins
Ardelia Maria Cotton Barton
Armando Palacio Valdés
Arnold Bennett
Arnold Castle
Arnold Haultain
Arnold J. Toynbee
Arnold Marmor
Arsène Houssaye
Artemus Ward
Arthur B. Reeve
Arthur Bartlett Maurice
Arthur Bowie Chrisman
Arthur Christopher Benson
Arthur Clutton-Brock
Arthur Conan Doyle
Arthur E. Bostwick
Arthur E. Knights
Arthur F. Winnington Ingram
Arthur Gray
Arthur Griffiths
Arthur Guy Empey
Arthur Hugh Clough
Arthur James Weise
Arthur Jerome Eddy
Arthur John Butler
Arthur Kitson
Arthur L. Meserve
Arthur M. Winfield
Arthur Machen
Arthur Ponsonby
Arthur Quiller-Couch
Arthur Schnitzler
Arthur Schopenhauer
Arthur Scott Bailey
Arthur Smith
Arthur Stringer
Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch
Arthur W. Knapp
Arthur W. Marchmont
Arthur William Edgar
Arturo Bianchi
Asataro Miyamori
Ascot Moncrieff
Athenaeus of Naucratis
Aubrey De Vere
August Bebel
August Strindberg
August von Kotzebue
August Weismann
Augusta Huiell Seaman
Augusta J. Evans
Auguste Hélie
Auguste Villiers
Augustine Birrell
Augustus De Morgan
Augustus J. Thébaud
Aureliano de Beruete y Moret
Aurelio Tolentino
Ausone de Chancel
Austin Hall
Austin Loomer Rand
Avis A. Burnham Stanwood
B. G. Johns
B. L. Hill
B. M. Bower
B. M. Croker
B.A. Hathaway
B.L. Putnam Weale
Baron George Gordon Byron
Baron Trenck
Baroness Emmuska Orczy
Barry Cornwall
Barry G. Royden
Barry Pain
Bartolomé de las Casas
Basil King
Basil L. Gildersleeve
Basil Thomson
Basil Wells
Bayard Taylor
Beatrix Potter
Belle K. Abbott
Ben Hecht
Ben Jonson
Benedetto Croce
Benedictus de Spinoza
Benjamin Constant
Benjamin D'israeli
Benjamin De Casseres
Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin H. Atwell
Benjamin Harrison
Benjamin L. D'Ooge
Benjamin Lumley
Benjamin Muse
Benjamin Nathaniel Bogue
Benjamin Waterhouse
Benjamin William Bova
Bennet Copplestone
Benvenuto Cellini
Bernard Beckerman
Bernard Berenson
Bernard Blackmantle
Bernard Capes
Bernard de Fontenelle
Bernard Glueck
Bernard Keisch
Bert Leston Taylor
Bertha May Clark
Bertha Von Suttner
Bertrand Russell
Bertrand W. Sinclair
Betsy Curtis
Bettina Von Hutten
Betty Elfving
Beverley Nichols
Bill Nye
Bjarne Kirchhoff
Bjarne P. Holmsen
Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson
Black Hawk
Blackie & Son
Blanche McManus
Blanche Upright
Bliss Carman
Bliss Perry
Bolling Branham
Bolton Hall
Booker T. Washington
Booth Tarkington
Boyd Cable
Boynton Belknap
Bradford Torrey
Bram Stoker
Brand Whitlock
Brander Matthews
Brandon Fleming
Bret Harte
British Museum
Brooks Adams
Bruce Frederick Cummings
Bruce Jay Friedman
Bruin Adams
Bryce Walton
Burt L. Standish
Burt M. McConnell
Burton E.Stevenson
Burton Egbert Stevenson
Butterfield and Leeds
Byron J. Rees
C. A. Toledano
C. C. Andrews
C. E. de la Poer Beresford
C. E. Smith
C. E. W. Bean
C. F. Hayes
C. G. Hine
C. G. Jung
C. Gasquoine Hartley
C. H. Thames
C. J. Cutcliffe Hyne
C. J. Dennis
C. Jackson Craven
C. L. Hunter
C. M. Kornbluth
C. M. Stevens
C. S. Lewis
C. Suetonius Tranquillus
C. V. L. Charlier
C. W. Hobley
C.H. Yarrow
Calvin Thomas
Cao Xueqin
Captain Mayne Reid
Captain Wilbur Lawton
Carel van Nievelt
Carey Rockwell
Caris Brooke
Carl Bovallius
Carl E. Gardner
Carl E. Guthe
Carl E. Seashore
Carl Ethan Akeley
Carl Ewald
Carl Jacobi
Carl Lumholtz
Carl Selwyn
Carl Van Doren
Carlo Collodi
Carlotta C. Greer
Carlton McCarthy
Carolina Invernizio
Caroline Dale Snedeker
Caroline Hadley
Caroline Lockhart
Caroline Norton
Carolyn Sherwin Bailey
Carolyn Wells
Carrie V. Shuman
Carroll M. Capps
Carter G. Woodson
Catharine Parr Traill
Catherine Booth
Catherine Louisa Pirkis
Catherine Parr Traill
Catherine T. Bryce
Cecil B. Hartley
Cecile Tormay
Cesário Verde
Ch. Letourneau
Chambers' Journal
Charles A. Bramble
Charles A. Coulomb
Charles A. Eastman
Charles A. Lee
Charles A. Oliver
Charles Abraham Elton
Charles Alden Seltzer
Charles Alexander Eastman
Charles B. Stilson
Charles Baudelaire
Charles Beard
Charles Beaumont
Charles Berchon
Charles Boardman Hawes
Charles Bradlaugh
Charles Brockden Brown
Charles C. Bombaugh
Charles C. Soule
Charles D. Hornig
Charles Dana Gibson
Charles Darwin
Charles Dickens
Charles Dudley Warner
Charles Duke Yonge
Charles E. Bolton
Charles E. Fritch
Charles Edward Walker
Charles Ellms
Charles Elmé Francatelli
Charles F. Horne
Charles Felton Pidgin
Charles Foster Kent
Charles Frederic Goss
Charles Frederick Holder
Charles G. D. Roberts
Charles Godfrey Leland
Charles H. Davis
Charles H. Ham
Charles H. Williams
Charles Heber Clark
Charles Herbert Sylvester
Charles Homer Haskins
Charles Howard
Charles Howard Hinton
Charles Hoy Fort
Charles J. Vaughan
Charles James Fox
Charles K. Ober
Charles Kingsley
Charles L. Fontenay
Charles L. Graves
Charles M. Sheldon
Charles MacKay
Charles Neville Buck
Charles Nodier
Charles P. Daly
Charles Paschal Chiniquy
Charles Perrault
Charles R. Morrison
Charles Reade
Charles Reginald Haines
Charles Reynolds Brown
Charles Rivière Dufresny
Charles S. Peirce
Charles Seignobos
Charles Stross
Charles Stuart Calverley
Charles Sturt
Charles Sumner Young
Charles V. De Vet
Charles W. Chesnutt
Charles W. Colby
Charles Wadsworth Camp
Charles Wesley Emerson
Charles Wharton Stork
Charles Winslow Hall
Charlotte Brontë
Charlotte Lennox
Charlotte M. Brame
Charlotte M. Yonge
Charlotte Mary Yonge
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Chauncey Brewster Tinker
Chester Cohen
Chester S. Geier
Chevalier Jackson
Choderlos de Laclos
Chris Dulabone
Christian Fürchtegott Gellert
Christoph Martin Wieland
Christoph von Schmid
Christopher Caustic
Christopher Marlowe
Christopher Morley
Cicely Fox Smith
Clair A. Brown
Clair Price
Clair W. Hayes
Claire Duras
Claire M. Coburn
Clara Barton
Clara de Chatelain
Clara Erskine Clement Waters
Clara Kern Bayliss
Clara Reeve
Clara Vostrovsky Winlow
Clarence Edward Mulford
Clarence H. Webb
Clarence Reidenbach
Clarence Stratton
Claude A. LaBelle
Claude H. Miller
Claude McKay
Clayton Knight
Clayton Sedgwick Cooper
Clemens Brentano
Clement A. Miles
Clement Clarke Moore
Clement Juglar
Clement Moore
Cleveland Moffett
Clifford R. Adams
Clifford Whittingham Beers
Clifton Bingham
Clinton Scollard
Clyde Beck
Clyde Fitch
Clyde Furst
Coalition for Networked Information
Cobham Brewer
Colonel James Fiske
Compton MacKenzie
comte de Lautréamont
comtesse de Sophie Ségur
Constance Lindsay Skinner
Constance Stoney
Conway & Conway
Cornelis Johannes Kieviet
Cornelius Tacitus
Cornelius Weygandt
Cosmos Mindeleff
Countess of Marguerite Blessington
Cuthbert Bede
Cyriel Buysse
Cyril Davenport
Cyril G. Hopkins
Cyrus Macmillan
Cyrus Thomas
Cyrus Townsend Brady
D. F. E. Sykes
D. H. Lawrence
D. H. Montgomery
D. K. Broster
D. L. James
D. L. Murray
D. W. Belisle
D.D. James Thomson
Daisy Shortcut
Dame M. Columban
Damon Knight
Dan De Quille
Daniel Collins
Daniel Defoe
Daniel Drayton
Daniel P. Thompson
Daniel Rock
Daniel Wright Kittredge
Dante Alighieri
Darius John Granger
Dave Dryfoos
David Belasco
David Burr
David C. Knight
David Ewen
David G. McMillan
David Garnett
David Graham Phillips
David Grayson
David Hume
David J. Deane
David Livingstone
David MacGibbon
David Mason
David Slowinski
David Starr Jordan
David W. Edwards
David Wynford Carnegie
Day Keene
DeAlva Stanwood Alexander
Dean Charles Ing
Delmer Eugene Croft
Demetra Vaka
Denis Diderot
Dennison Woodcock
Denton Jaques Snider
Deristhe L. Hoyt
Derrick Norman Lehmer
Desiderius Erasmus
Desmond Winter Hall
Detlev von Liliencron
Dewitt Parker
Dick Purcell
Dietlof Van Warmelo
Dillon Wallace
Dinah Maria Craik
Dod Grile
Donald A. Mackenzie
Donald A. Wollheim
Donald Ferguson
Donald H. Menzel
Donald McGibeny
Donald Ogden Stewart
Dora C. C. L. Roper
Dornford Yates
Dorothy Canfield Fisher
Dorothy De Courcy
Dorothy L. Sayers
Dorothy M. Richardson
Dorothy Scarborough
Dorothy Woollard
Douglas Dewar
Douglas Fairbanks
Douglas Sladen
Douglas William Jerrold
Dr. John Doran
Dunbar Rowland
Duncan MacIsaac
Dwight B. Heath
Dwight V. Swain
E. A. Wallis Budge
E. Barrington
E. Berkley
E. Boyd Smith
E. Cobham Brewer
E. De Mandat-Grancey
E. de Roberty
E. E. Cummings
E. E. Smith
E. F. Benson
E. H. Young
E. Katherine Bates
E. Keble Chatterton
E. L. Voynich
E. Lynn Linton
E. M. Berens
E. M. Smith-Dampier
E. Phillips Oppenheim
E. R. Eddison
E. R. Knott
E. S. Dorrance
E. S. Shuckburgh
E. T. A. Hoffmann
E. Vacandard
E. Vernon Arnold
E. W. Hornung
E. W. Seabrook Hull
E.G. von Wald
E.M. Forster
Earl of Beaconsfield Benjamin Disraeli
Earl of Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield
Earl Wayland Bowman
Eben E. Rexford
Eberhard Dennert
Ed Earl Repp
Ed Howdershelt
Eden Phillpotts
Eden Warwick
Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Lee Masters
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Edgar Saltus
Edgar Wallace
Edison Marshall
Edith Allen
Edith Bancroft
Edith Horton
Edith Howes
Edith King Hall
Edith Lynwood Winn
Edith M. Patch
Edith Nesbit
Edith Wharton
Edmond About
Edmond de Goncourt
Edmond Hamilton
Edmond Jaloux
Edmond Lepelletier
Edmond Rostand
Edmund Clerihew Bentley
Edmund Dulac
Edmund Gosse
Edmund H. Leftwich
Edmund Harvey
Edmund Spenser
Edna Ferber
Edna Henry Lee Turpin
Edna Lyall
Edna Payson Brett
Edna St. Vincent Millay
Edouard Le Roy
Edouard Martin
Edric Glenfield
Eduardo de Sousa
Eduardo Zamacois
Edward A. Johnson
Edward Abbott Parry
Edward Axtell
Edward Bascome
Edward Bellamy
Edward Bevan
Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Edward Carpenter
Edward Channing
Edward Creasy
Edward Dicey
Edward Edwards
Edward Ellis Morris
Edward Everett Hale
Edward Fenton Elwin
Edward George Lytton Bulwer
Edward Gibbon
Edward H. Clarke
Edward Harrison Compton
Edward Iorden
Edward J. O'Brien
Edward James Phipps
Edward L. Wheeler
Edward Lasker
Edward Lear
Edward M. Bounds
Edward M. Plummer
Edward Mead Earle
Edward Payson Roe
Edward Prime-Stevenson
Edward S. Ellis
Edward S. Van Zile
Edward Slater
Edward Spencer Beesly
Edward Stratemeyer
Edward Sylvester Ellis
Edward Teller
Edward Thomas
Edward W. Cox
Edward W. Ludwig
Edward Winslow
Edwin A. Abbott
Edwin Balmer
Edwin Benson
Edwin Dingle
Edwin Emerson
Edwin L. Graber
Edwin L. Sabin
Edwin Lawrence Godkin
Edwin Lester Arnold
Edwin Markham
Edwin Sharpe Grew
Edwin Ward Jackson
Edwin Waugh
Effie M. Williams
Egerton Ryerson Young
Eino Kaila
Elbert Hubbard
Elbert M. Hoppenstedt
Eleanor F. Jourdain
Eleanor Gates
Eleanor H. Porter
Eleanore Myers Jewett
Elia W. Peattie
Elihu Burritt
Elinor Glyn
Elisabeth Sanxay Holding
Elisha Benjamin Andrews
Eliza Burt Gamble
Eliza Fowler Haywood
Eliza Lee Cabot Follen
Eliza Leslie
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Elizabeth Blackwell
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell
Elizabeth Cooper
Elizabeth E. Lea
Elizabeth Elstob
Elizabeth Enright
Elizabeth Gerberding
Elizabeth Grinnell
Elizabeth H. Gray
Elizabeth Montizambert
Elizabeth Sandham
Elizabeth Stafford Fry
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward
Elizabeth Weston Timlow
Ella Farman
Ella Higginson
Ella Rodman Church
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow
Ellen C. Babbitt
Ellen Glasgow
Ellen N. La Motte
Ellen Velvin
Ellice Hopkins
Ellinor Davenport Adams
Elliott Blaine Henderson
Elliott O'Donnell
Ellison Hawks
Elmer U. Hoenshel
Elodie L. Mijatovich
Elwyn A. Smith
Emil H. Richter
Emil Petaja
Emile Blanche
Emile Coué
Emile Gaboriau
Emilio Salgari
Emily Brontë
Emily Burbank
Emily Dickinson
Emma Elizabeth Thoyts
Emma Goldman
Emma Helen Blair
Emmet Hawkins Rixford
Emmett J. Scott
Emmett McDowell
Engracio L. Valmonte
Enrico Caruso
Enrico Ferri
Eric Rücker Eddison
Eric S. Raymond
Eric Wood
Erik Fennel
Ernest Giles
Ernest Hemingway
Ernest Henry Short
Ernest Rutherford
Ernest Shackleton
Ernest Thompson
Ernest Thompson Seton
Ernest W. Clement
Ernest Weekley
Ernst Lehrs
Erskine Childers
Estelle M. Hurll
Ethel Calvert Phillips
Ethel D. Puffer
Ethel Hueston
Ethel M. Dell
Ethel R. Peyser
Ethel Sybil Turner
Ethel Talbot
Etienne Dolet
Eugen Neuhaus
Eugen Richter
Eugene C. Jacobs
Eugène Chavette
Eugene Field
Eugene Jones
Eugene Lee-Hamilton
Eugene Manlove Rhodes
Eugene O'Neill
Eugène Sue
Eva Hope
Eva March Tappan
Evan Hunter
Evelyn Everett-Green
Evelyn Raymond
Evelyn Ruggles-Brise
Evelyn Scott
Everett B. Cole
Ewald Hecker
Ezra Brudno
Éline Roch
Émile Agnel
Émile Souvestre
Émile Zola
F. Anstey
F. B. Meyer
F. B. Tarbell
F. B. Tower
F. Colburn Adams
F. D. Coburn
F. G. Allen
F. G. Speck
F. H. Hall
F. Hervé
F. J. Agassis
F. J. Boudreaux
F. J. Snell
F. L. Wallace
F. Marion Crawford
F. Scott Fitzgerald
F. W. Bain
F. W. Harvey
F. W. Taylor
Fannie E. Newberry
Fannie Hurst
Fannie Merritt Farmer
Fanny Burney
Fanny Fern
Fanny Janet Sandison Blunt
Fay-Cooper Cole
Felicia Hemans
Felix Vilkhovsky
Ferdinand Heinrich Grautoff
Ferdinand Raimund
Ferdynand Antoni Ossendowski
Fergus Hume
Fernán Caballero
Filson Young
Finley Peter Dunne
Fitz Roy Carrington
Flavius Josephus
Florence Akin
Florence Daniel
Florence Du Cane
Florence Gay
Florence Howe Hall
Florence Kreisler Greenbaum
Florence McLandburgh
Florence Warden
Florence White Williams
Floriano Alves da Costa
Floyd Dell
Ford Madox Ford
Ford McCormack
Fortuné Du Boisgobey
Fox B. Holden
Frances Cavanah
Frances Hodgson Burnett
Frances Jenkins Olcott
Frances M.A. Roe
Frances Milton Trollope
Frances Power Cobbe
Frances Theresa Russell
Frances Trego Montgomery
Francesco Domenico Guerrazzi
Francis A. Collins
Francis Adams
Francis Bacon
Francis Beaumont & John Fletcher
Francis Brett Young
Francis Fisher Browne
Francis Hopkinson Smith
Francis Lynde
Francis MacNutt
Francis Marion Crawford
Francis Pharcellus Church
Francis Scott Fitzgerald
Francis Stevens
Francis W. Doughty
Francis W. Hirst
Francisco Balagtas
Francisco Ferrer
Francisco Hernández Arana Xajilá
Francois Arago
François Hotman
Frank Alvah Parsons
Frank Beard
Frank Belknap Long
Frank Bolles
Frank C. Haddock
Frank Callcott
Frank Channing Haddock
Frank Crane
Frank Freeman
Frank Gee Patchin
Frank Harris
Frank Herbert
Frank J. Loesch
Frank J. Medina
Frank J. Webb
Frank Kidson
Frank L. Packard
Frank Lillie Pollock
Frank M. Robinson
Frank Nelson Palmer
Frank Norris
Frank O. Lowden
Frank Pinkerton
Frank R Stockton
Frank Richard Stockton
Frank Savile
Frank Stevens
Frank Thilly
Frank Thomas Bullen
Frank V. Webster
Franklin Baker Company
Franklin Beech
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Frans Berding
Franz Grillparzer
Franz Hoffmann
Franz Kafka
Franz Kuhn
Franz Liszt
Franz Valery Marie Cumont
Fred C. Kelly
Freda Kirchwey
Frederic Jesup Stimson
Frederic Kidder
Frederic S. Cozzens
Frederic Stewart Isham
Frederick A. Ober
Frederick A. Talbot
Frederick Boyle
Frederick C. Lincoln
Frederick Charles Lincoln
Frederick Douglass
Frederick F. Moore
Frederick Garrison
Frederick Houk Law
Frederick J. Furnivall
Frederick J. Libby
Frederick Marryat
Frederick Niecks
Frederick Philip Grove
Frederick Rolfe
Frederick Samuel Dellenbaugh
Frederick W. Hamilton
Frederick Whitney
Frederick Wilhelmsen
Frederik Pohl
French E. Chadwick
Friar Jordanus
Friedrich Froebel
Friedrich Gerstäcker
Friedrich Hebbel
Friedrich Henning
Friedrich Kerst
Friedrich Schiller
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Fritz Leiber
Fulgence Marion
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
G. A. Henty
G. A. Puckett
G. E. Partridge
G. F. Maclear
G. F. Nicholls
G. Frederick Schwarz
G. H. Gerberding
G. Harvey Ralphson
G. K. Chesterton
G. L. Vandenburg
G. M. George
G. Maspero
G. Stanley Hall
G. W. Septimus Piesse
G.-H. Bougeant
Gabriele D'Annunzio
Gabrielle E. Jackson
Gabriello Chiabrera
Gardner F. Fox
Garrett Putman Serviss
Gary N. Calkins
Gaston Leroux
Gatien Courtilz de Sandras
Gelett Burgess
Gene Stratton-Porter
General Foods Corporation
Gensai Murai
Geoffrey Chaucer
Geoffrey Winthrop Young
Georg Büchner
Georg Ebers
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
George & Weedon Grossmith
George Ade
George Alexander Ross
George Allan England
George Arnold
George Bancroft
George Barr McCutcheon
George Barton Cutten
George Berkeley
George Bernard Shaw
George Bethune English
George Biddell Airy
George Bird Grinnell
George Cary Eggleston
George Chapman
George Crabbe
George Du Maurier
George Durston
George Dyre Eldridge
George E. Waring
George Eliot
George F. Barker
George Field
George Fitch
George Francis Atkinson
George Fraser Black
George Frederick Kunz
George Gibbs
George Gissing
George Gustav Telberg
George Hartmann
George Haven Putnam
George Herbert
George Jean Nathan
George John Romanes
George L. Aiken
George Lansing Raymond
George Lincoln Walton
George MacDonald
George Manville Fenn
George Martin
George Meredith
George Miksch Sutton
George Moore
George Müller
George Oliver Smith
George Park Fisher
George Paston
George R. Chatburn
George R. Graham
George Randolph Chester
George Routledge
George S. Chappell
George Sand
George St. Clair
George Sturt
George Sumner Weaver
George Sylvester Viereck
George T. Ferris
George Thomas Clark
George V. Hobart
George Veal
George W. Crile
George W. Gore
George W. James
George Waldo Browne
George Washington Cable
George Washington Plunkitt
George Washington Williams
George William Russell
George Wood Anderson
Georges Duhamel
Georges Rodenbach
Georgette Heyer
Geraldine Bonner
Gerard Fowke
Gertrude Atherton
Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton
Gertrude Page
Giacomo Casanova
Giambattista Basile
Giambattista della Porta
Gilbert Livingstone Wilson
Gilbert Parker
Gilbert Seldes
Gilbert Thomas Stephenson
Gilbert W. Gabriel
Giorgio Vasari
Giovanni Boccaccio
Giovanni Papini
Glance Gaylord
Glenn Curtiss
Glenn D. Bradley
Godfrey Holden Pike
Godfrey Sweven
Goldwin Smith
Gordon Casserly
Gordon Randall Garrett
Gordon Stables
Gore Vidal
Gottfried Keller
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
Gouverneur Morris
Grace Dunlop Peter
Grace Elizabeth King
Grace May North
Grace S. Richmond
Grace Viall Gray
Graf E. Reventlow
Graf Leo Tolstoy
Grant Allen
Grant M. Overton
Grantland Rice
Great Britain Board of Trade
Grenville A. J. Cole
Grenville Kleiser
Grey Drake
Grover Dean Turnbow
Guglielmo Ferrero
Guido Gezelle
Guillaume Apollinaire
Guillaume Tirel
Gulielma Zollinger
Gustaf Hellström
Gustaf Lindstrom
Gustav A. Just
Gustav Freytag
Gustav Karpeles
Gustave Droz
Gustave Flaubert
Gustave le Bon
Gustavus Hindman Miller
Guy Archette
Guy Boothby
Guy de Maupassant
Guy Newell Boothby
H. A. Guerber
H. Alfarata Chapman Thompson
H. B. Marriott Watson
H. Barber
H. Beam Piper
H. Bedford-Jones
H. C. Bunner
H. D. M. Spence-Jones
H. De Vere Stacpoole
H. E. Bird
H. E. Marshall
H. Emile Chevalier
H. G. Adams
H. G. Wells
H. H. Munro
H. H. Windsor
H. Irving Hancock
H. J. van Ginkel
H. J. Wilmot-Buxton
H. L. Barber
H. L. Coggins
H. L. Nichols
H. M. Egbert
H. P. Lovecraft
H. R. Knickerbocker
H. R. Roelfsema
H. Rider Haggard
H. W. Conn
H. W. Halleck
H.L. Mencken
H.S. Olcott
Hal Annas
Hal Hellman
Hal K. Wells
Hallam Hawksworth
Hallie Erminie Rives
Halliwell Sutcliffe
Hamilton Wright Mabie
Hamlin Garland
Hampole Richard Rolle
Hank Searls
Hannah Lynch
Hannah Webster Foster
Hans Bethge
Hans Christian Andersen
Hans Gross
Hans Jakob Christoffel
Hapsburg Liebe
Harl Vincent
Harlan Ellison
Harlan Ullman
Harold Bell Wright
Harold Bindloss
Harold Brighouse
Harold Daniels
Harold L. Peterson
Harold MacGrath
Harold Stanley Johnson
Harold Steele MacKaye
Harold W. Fairbanks
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Harriet Jacobs
Harriet Pyne Grove
Harris J. Dark
Harrison S. Morris
Harry A. Lewis
Harry Alverson Franck
Harry C. Jones
Harry Collingwood
Harry D. Kitson
Harry Leon Wilson
Harry Rimmer
Harry St. George
Harry Steele Morrison
Harvey Newcomb
Harvey Washington Wiley
Havelock Ellis
Hawley Smart
Hector Charles Cameron
Hector Malot
Hedda Hopper
Heinrich Heine
Heinrich Heppe
Heinrich Hoffmann
Heinrich Zschokke
Helen A. Clarke
Helen Augusta Crofton
Helen Campbell
Helen Cowen Gunsaulus
Helen Hill
Helen Keller
Helen R. Hull
Helen Reimensnyder Martin
Helen S. Wright
Heman White Chaplin
Hendrik Conscience
Henri Barbusse
Henri Bergson
Henri Frédéric Amiel
Henri Joutel
Henri Poincaré
Henrietta Christian Wright
Henrik Arnold Wergeland
Henrik Ibsen
Henry A. Beers
Henry Adams
Henry Alford
Henry Alleyne Nicholson
Henry B. Carrington
Henry Baerlein
Henry Bedford-Jones
Henry Beston
Henry Box Brown
Henry Carey
Henry Cole
Henry Cranke Andrews
Henry Curtis
Henry Davenport Northrop
Henry David Thoreau
Henry Dawson
Henry E. Baker
Henry Edward Krehbiel
Henry Farrell
Henry Fauntleroy Harris
Henry Fielding
Henry Fisk Carlton
Henry Fletcher
Henry Flipper
Henry Gray
Henry Guth
Henry H Vail
Henry Hasse
Henry Highland Garnet
Henry Howarth Bashford
Henry James
Henry Josephs
Henry Kater
Henry Ketcham
Henry Lawson
Henry Lindlahr
Henry M. Stanley
Henry M. Stanley
Henry Mayhew
Henry Morley
Henry Newland
Henry Norman Hudson
Henry Osmond Lock
Henry Oyen
Henry Pepwell
Henry Pettit
Henry S. Gilbertson
Henry S. Salt
Henry Seton Merriman
Henry Slesar
Henry Smith Williams
Henry Snyder
Henry Sydnor Harrison
Henry T. Finck
Henry T. Simmons
Henry Theophilus Finck
Henry Timberlake
Henry van Dyke
Henry W. Shoemaker
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Henry Walcott Boynton
Henry Williamson
Henry Woodd Nevinson
Henryk Sienkiewicz
Herbert B. Livingston
Herbert L. Risteen
Herbert Leonard Coggins
Herbert Silberer
Herbert Spencer
Herbert Strang
Hereward Carrington
Herman Gorter
Herman Hesse
Herman Melville
Herminia zur Muhlen
Hershey Chocolate Corporation
Hervey Allen
Hesba Stretton
Hesiod & Homer
Hilaire Belloc
Hippolyte Taine
Hjalmar Söderberg
Holman Day
Homer & Samuel Butler
Honore de Balzac
Honorio López
Horace Annesley Vachell
Horace Fletcher
Horace W. C. Newte
Horace Walpole
Horatio Alger Jr.
Horatio Hale
Horatio R. Storer
Horatius Flaccus Quintus
Houghton Townley
Howard Futhey Brinton
Howard Pyle
Howard R. Garis
Howard Roger Garis
Howard Staunton
Hudson's Bay Company
Hugh Gibson
Hugh Lofting
Hugh Miller
Hugh Pendexter
Hugh T. Reed
Hugh Walpole
Hugh Wiley
Hugo de Vries
Hugo Münsterberg
Humphry Davy
Hutchins Hapgood
I. I. Hayes
I. T. Thurston
I.B. Pole Capart
Ian Hay
Ian Maclaren
Ibn Tufail
Ida Husted Harper
Ida M. Tarbell
Idah Meacham Strobridge
Ignatius Donnelly
Ignatius Sancho
Immanuel Kant
Inazo Nitobe
Inez Haynes Gillmore
Irene W. Hartt
Irvin S. Cobb
Irving Bacheller
Irving E. Cox
Irving Hancock
Irving Pichel
Irwin Leslie Gordon
Isaac Allen
Isaac Frederick Marcosson
Isaac G. Briggs
Isaac Husik
Isaac Rosenberg
Isaac Taylor
Isaac Taylor Headland
Isaac Weld
Isabel A. Moser
Isabel Cecilia Williams
Isabel Ecclestone Mackay
Isabel Thompson Hopkins
Isabella L. Bird
Isabelo de los Reyes
Isabelo de los Reyes y Florentino
Israel Abrahams
Israel Zangwill
Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov
Ivan S Turgenev
Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
Ivar Jorgensen
Izaak Walton
J. A. Hammerton
J. A. MacCulloch
J. A. Nicklin
J. Alfred Gotch
J. Alfred Gotch
J. Allan Dunn
J. Arthur Thomson
J. B. Bury
J. Barbey d'Aurevilly
J. C. Snaith
J. C. Tarver
J. Castell Hopkins
J. Comyns Carr
J. Cree Fischer
J. D. Beresford
J. E. Crawford Flitch
J. E. Esslemont
J. E. Lamar
J. F. C. Adams
J. G. Holland
J. H. Hill
J. H. Payne
J. H. Tilden
J. Hammond Trumbull
J. Harvey Haggard
J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur
J. Henri Fabre
J. J. Connington
J. Krishnamurti
J. M. Barrie
J. M. Synge
J. M. Woodman
J. Meade Falkner
J. P. Jacobsen
J. P. Mahaffy
J. R. Miller
J. S. Fletcher
J. Storer Clouston
J. T. Goddard
J. Traherne Moggridge
J. U. Giesy
J. V. Rohan
J. W. Mackail
J. W. Wright
J. Walker McSpadden
J.-K. Huysmans
J.M. Stone
Jac. P. Thijsse
Jack G. Huekels
Jack London
Jack O'Brien
Jack Owen Jardine
Jack Steele
Jack Thorne
Jackson Gregory
Jacob Abbott
Jacob Green
Jacobus Jan Cremer
Jacobus X
Jacques Futrelle
Jaime Luciano Balmes
Jakob Wassermann
James A. S. Watson
James Allen
James Anthony Froude
James Augustus St. John
James B. Stetson
James Baldwin
James Barr Ames
James Blish
James Boswell
James Branch Cabell
James Bronterre O'Brien
James Clerk Maxwell
James Creelman
James D. Richardson
James De Mille
James Denney
James Donaldson
James E. Gunn
James Elbert Cutler
James Emmett Garvey
James Fellom
James Fenimore Cooper
James Galloway Cowan
James Grant
James Green
James H. Fassett
James H. Maggard
James H. Schmitz
James Hadley Chase
James Harvey Robinson
James Hosmer Penniman
James Huneker
James J. Williamson
James Jackson Kilpatrick
James Joyce
James Knowles
James Legge
James M. Beck
James M. Trotter
James Marchant
James Mark Baldwin
James Mars
James McKimmey
James McNeill Whistler
James Montgomery
James Napier
James Nasmyth
James O'Meara
James Oliver Curwood
James Otis
James Parkinson
James R. Stockman
James Root Hulbert
James Runciman
James Russell Lowell
James S. De Benneville
James Schoenwetter
James Stalker
James Stephens
James Stevenson
James Sully
James T. Haley
James Thomson
James Tytler
James V. McConnell
James W. C. Pennington
James Weir
James Weldon Johnson
James Whitcomb Riley
James William Barlow
Jane Addams
Jane Austen
Jane G. Austin
Jane Hume Clapperton
Jane L. Stewart
Jane Porter
Janet Harvey Kelman
Janet MacKenzie Hill
Janet McKenzie Hill
Jarena Lee
Jasper Danckaerts
Jean Aicard
Jean de La Fontaine
Jean François Regnard
Jean Ingelow
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Jean S. Remy
Jean Webster
Jean-Henri Fabre
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Jean-Louis Dubut de Laforest
Jeanette Hindman Elliott
Jeanie Gould Lincoln
Jeanie Oliver Smith
Jeanne Marie
Jeanne Marie Bouvier
Jeanne Motte Guyon
Jeannie Gunn
Jefferson Davis
Jeffery Farnol
Jennette Lee
Jennie Ellis Keysor
Jennie Hall
Jerome Bixby
Jerome K. Jerome
Jerry Dunham
Jerry Sohl
Jessie Belle Rittenhouse
Jessie Conrad
Jessie Eldridge Southwick
Jessie Graham Flower
Jessie L. Weston
Jewell Ellen Smith
Jim Harmon
Joachim Heinrich Campe
Joanna C. Colcord
Joanna E. Wood
Joanny Bricaud
Job Durfee
Joe Gibson
Joel Barlow
Joel Benton
Joel Chandler Harris
Joel Nydahl
Joel Tiffany
Johan Ditlev Frederiksen
Johan Olof Wallin
Johann David Wyss
Johann Michael Reu
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Johanna Spyri
Johannes Ewald
John Higginbottom
John A. Hobson
John A. Widtsoe
John Addington Symonds
John Alexander Logan
John Anderson
John Arch Morrison
John Armstrong
John Ashton
John Aubrey
John Austin Stevens
John Avery Lomax
John Ayrton Paris
John Bartlett
John Bernard Daley
John Bernhard Smith
John Bond
John Boyd
John Breck
John Brownlie
John Buchan
John Bunyan
John Burnet
John Burns
John Burroughs
John C. Miller
John Cassin
John Charles Van Dyke
John Cleland
John Cooke
John Cordeaux
John Cordy Jeaffreson
John Cumming
John Cuningham
John Cuthbert Lawson
John Cuthbert Long
John D. Barry
John D. Philbrick
John D. Quackenbos
John D. Rockefeller
John Dee
John Dewey
John Donne
John Dryden
John Dudgeon
John F. Murphy
John Forster
John Foxe
John Francis Davis
John French
John Frost
John Galsworthy
John Gould
John Gower
John Greenleaf Whittier
John Gregory Bourke
John H. Bechtel
John H. Haaren
John H. Huddilston
John H. White
John H. Young
John Habberton
John Harington Gubbins
John Hay
John Henry Fow
John Henry Goldfrap
John Henry Haaren
John Henry Jowett
John Henry Newman
John Jay Chapman
John Joseph McGuire
John Josselyn
John Keats
John Keble
John Kendrick Bangs
John Kent
John L. Chapman
John L. Shawver
John Locke
John Lord
John Lorimer Worden
John Lort Stokes
John Loudon McAdam
John Luther Langworthy
John M. Bacon
John M. Douglass
John M. Weeks
John Maddison Morton
John Mark
John Martineau
John Masefield
John Massie Davis
John Mastin
John Maynard Keynes
John McAllister Schofield
John McElroy
John McGreevey
John McKinlay
John Meade Falkner
John Milton
John Montgomery Ward
John Moore
John Morley
John Muir
John Munro
John Musgrave Waite
John N. Cobb
John O'Brien
John O'Keefe
John Oxenham
John P. Marquand
John P. Peters
John Pendleton Kennedy
John Petheram
John Playfair
John Pory
John R. Macduff
John Rae
John Randolph Neal
John Reed
John Ruskin
John Russell Amberley
John S. Adams
John S. C. Abbott
John S. Hawkins
John Savory
John Stoughton
John Strange Winter
John Stuart Mill
John T. McIntyre
John T. Short
John T. Slattery
John Theodore Mueller
John Thomas McIntyre
John Toland
John Traherne Moggridge
John Turvill Adams
John Victor Peterson
John W. Mollett
John Warton
John Weiss
John William De Forest
John William Polidori
John Willis Clark
John Wilson
John Wycliffe
Johnston McCulley
Jón Ólafsson
Jonathan Edwards
Jonathan Nield
Jonathan Prince Cilley
Jonathan Scott
Jonathan Swift
Jos. E. Badger
José de Almada Negreiros
Jose Maria Rivera
José Rizal
Josep Roig i Raventós
Joseph A. Altsheler
Joseph Bates
Joseph Bédier
Joseph Bell
Joseph Black
Joseph Conrad
Joseph Coppinger
Joseph Crosby Lincoln
Joseph Cundall
Joseph Devlin
Joseph Edmund Collins
Joseph Grinnell
Joseph H. Adams
Joseph Holden Pott
Joseph Jacobs
Joseph Lister
Joseph Maclise
Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
Joseph Slotkin
Joseph Wright
Josephine A. Jackson
Josephine Chase
Josephine Diebitsch Peary
Josephine Lawrence
Josephine Pittman Scribner
Joshua Coffin
Joyce Kilmer
Jozef Muls
Jr. Horatio Alger
Jr. John Fox
Juan Ruiz
Judith Cohen Montefiore
Juhani Aho
Jules Archer
Jules Dumesnil
Jules Lemaître
Jules Lermina
Jules M. Sestier
Jules Renard
Jules Verne
Julia Corner
Julia Darrow Cowles
Julian Hawthorne
Julian Huxley
Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing
Julius Caesar
Julius Wellhausen
Justus Liebig
K. Langloh Parker
K. Rangachari
Karel Čapek
Karin Stephen
Karl Friedrich May
Karl Gjellerup
Karl Marx
Karol Wachtl
Kate Chopin
Kate Douglas Wiggin
Kate Heintz Watson
Kate Langley Bosher
Kate Lee Ferguson
Kate Sanborn
Katharine Elliott Wilkie
Katharine Newlin Burt
Katharine Pearson Woods
Katharine Pyle
Katherine M.H. Blackford
Katherine Mansfield
Kathleen Burke
Kathleen Thompson Norris
Kathlyn Rhodes
Kay Boyle
Kay Lyttleton
Keith Bennett
Keith Henderson
Keith Laumer
Kelly Miller
Kenelm Digby
Kenneth Grahame
Kenneth Honea
Kenyon Cox
King of England James I
Kirk Munroe
kniaz Petr Alekseevich Kropotkin
Knut Enferd
Knut Hamsun
Kris Neville
Kristína Royová
Kurt Hielscher
Kurt Vonnegut
Kustavi Grotenfelt
L. A. Abbott
L. Allen Harker
L. Frank Baum
L. G. Chiozza Money
L. L. Langstroth
L. Newton Hayes
L. Onerva
L. P. Gratacap
L. T. Meade
L. V. Hodgkin
L.M. Gilbreth
L.P. Hubbard
Lady Lucie Duff Gordon
Lady Maria Callcott
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
Lady Scott
Langdon Elwyn Mitchell
Lao Tzu
Larry Leigh
Laura C. Holloway
Laura Chandler
Laura Dent Crane
Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
Laura Fry Kready
Laura Jean Libbey
Laura Lee Hope
Laura Marholm
Laura Rountree Smith
Laurence Alma-Tadema
Laurence Binyon
Laurence Housman
Laurence Sterne
Lawrence Daniel Fogg
Lawrence J. Leslie
Lawrence Thomas Cole
Leader Scott
Legh Richmond
Leighton Pullan
Leila Lee
Leo E. Miller
Leo Edwards
Leo Nikoleyevich Tolstoy
Leon Kuperman
Leonard Black
Leonard Haseman
Leonard W. King
Leonardo da Vinci
Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
Leslie Perri
Leslie Stephen
Lester del Rey
Leta Severance Hiles
Lew Wallace
Lewis C. Lockwood
Lewis Carroll
Lewis Mumford
Lewis W. Carson
Lida B. McMurry
Lie Yu Kou
Lieutenant Maturin Murray
Lilian Bell
Lilian Garis
Lilian Turner
Lilli Lehmann
Lillian Elizabeth Roy
Lillian Frances Mentor
Lily Mills Company
Linn Boyd Porter
Lionel D. Barnett
Lionel Giles
Lionel Johnson
Lizzie A. Freeth
Lizzie E. Cotton
Lloyd Osbourne
Logan Marshall
Lola Ridge
London Missionary Society
Lönnrot and Crawford
Lord Charnwood
Lord Dunsany
Lothrop Stoddard
Louis Becke
Louis Couperus
Louis D. Brandeis
Louis Dembitz Brandeis
Louis Ginzberg
Louis Hémon
Louis Joseph Vance
Louis Maigron
Louis Tracy
Louis Tracy
Louisa Lawson
Louisa May Alcott
Louisa Mühlbach
Louise Amelia
Louise Clarke Pyrnelle
Louise Jordan Miln
Lowell Stone
Lucine Finch
Lucio Bustamante
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Lucy Fitch Perkins
Lucy Maud Montgomery
Lucy Thompson
Ludovico Ariosto
Ludwig Thoma
Ludwig van Beethoven
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Luís de Camões
Luis Senarens
Luisa Tetrazzini
Luke Tyerman
Luther Holden
Lydia Leavitt
Lydia Maria Child
Lyman Abbott
Lyndon Orr
Lynn Thorndike
Lysander Spooner
Lytton Strachey
M. A. Curtois
M. E. Francis
M. Florian
M. G. Kains
M. J. C. Fulton
M. L. Merlet
M. L. Nesbitt
M. Leonora Eyles
M. Moncalm
M.Y. Lermontov
Mabel Fuller Blodgett
Mabel Mackintosh
Mabel Quiller-Couch
Mabel Williamson
Mack Reynolds
Madame de La Fayette
Maggie Brown
Mahatma Gandhi
Maiju Lassila
Major Archibald Lee Fletcher
Major Richardson
Maksim Gorky
Malcolm B. Morehart
Manly Wade Wellman
Manuel Eduardo de Gorostiza
Manuel Maria Barbosa du
Marc Lescarbot
Marcel Allain
Marcel Niké
Marcel Proust
Marcus Annaeus Lucanus
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Margaret Benson
Margaret Brown
Margaret Burnham
Margaret C. Anderson
Margaret Deland
Margaret Fuller Ossoli
Margaret H. Sanger
Margaret Hill McCarter
Margaret M. Robertson
Margaret Penrose
Margaret Piper Chalmers
Margaret Pollock Sherwood
Margaret Roscoe
Margaret Sanger
Margaret Sidney
Margaret Smith Furry
Margaret St. Clair
Margaret Vandercook
Margaret Wolfe Hungerford
Margot Asquith
Marguerite Cunliffe-Owen
Marguerite de Valois
Marguerite Henry
Maria Edgeworth
Maria Elizabeth Budden
Maria Monk
Maria Montessori
Maria Thompson Daviess
Marian MacLean Finney
Marie Carmichael Stopes
Marie Corelli
Marie E. Zakrzewska
Marie Helene Gulbransen
Marietta Holley
Marietta Hubbard
Marilla M. Ricker
Mario Rapisardi
Mario Uchard
Marion Ames Taggart
Marion Chilton Harrison
Marion Cook Stow
Marion Florence Lansing
Marjorie Allen Seiffert
Marjorie Benton Cooke
Marjory MacMurchy
Mark Clifton
Mark Clutter
Mark Reinsberg
Mark Twain
Mark Van Doren
Marmaduke William Pickthall
Maro O. Rolfe
marquis de Astolphe Custine
marquis de Philippe Massa
Marquis de Sade
Marsden Hartley
Marshall H. Saville
Marshall P. Wilder
Marshall Saunders
Mart R. Steffen
Martha Finley
Martha James
Martha McCulloch-Williams
Martha Meir Allen
Martha Young
Martín del Barco Centenera
Martin Luther
Martin P. Nilsson
Martin Quigley
Martin R. Delany
Mary Acworth Orr
Mary Ashley Townsend
Mary Baker Eddy
Mary Blake
Mary Borden
Mary C. Rowsell
Mary Cholmondeley
Mary Christiana Hofmann
Mary Clemmer
Mary D. Barber
Mary Diana Dods
Mary E. Burt
Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman
Mary Elizabeth Braddon
Mary Elizabeth Green
Mary Esther Miller MacGregor
Mary F. Porter
Mary Gaunt
Mary H. Eastman
Mary Hallock Foote
Mary Harris Jones
Mary Hazelton Blanchard Wade
Mary Huestis Pengilly
Mary Hunter Austin
Mary Jane Holmes
Mary Jane McClure
Mary Louisa Boyle
Mary Macgregor
Mary MacLane
Mary Noailles Murfree
Mary Prince
Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews
Mary Roberts Rinehart
Mary Russell Mitford
Mary S Andrews
Mary Seacole
Mary Somerville
Mary T. Swickard
Mary Webb
Mary Wollstonecraft
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Mary Wood-Allen
Math Josef Frings
Mathew Arnold
Matilde Serao
Matthew Arnold
Matthew Holbeche Bloxam
Matthew L. Hewat
Matthew Lewis
Matthew White
Matti Kurikka
Maturin Murray Ballou
Maud Summers
Maurice Baring
Maurice Eugene
Maurice LeBlanc
Maurice Maeterlinck
Maurice Nicoll
Max Brand
Max Pearson Cushing
Max Pemberton
Max Simon Nordau
Max Verworn
Maxwell Bodenheim
May Sinclair
Melville Davisson Post
Melvin G. Winstock
Melvin Powers
Melvin Sturgis
Meredith Nicholson
Meriwether Lewis
Meyer Moldeven
Michael Clarke
Michael Field
Michael Pupin
Michael Shaara
Michel de Montaigne
Miguel de Cervantes
Miles Franklin
Miles J. Breuer
Milivoy Stoyan Stanoyevich
Milk Industry Foundation
Millicent Garrett Fawcett
Milo M. Hastings
Milton Lesser
Mina Hubbard
Minna Canth
Mir Amman of Dihli
Mitzi Perdue
Mlle. Riego De La Branchardiere
Molly Elliot Seawell
Monsieur Baron
Montague Glass
Montague Rhodes James
Mór Jókai
Morgan Robertson
Morris J. MacGregor, Jr.
Mrs E. Prentiss
Mrs W.B. Meloney
Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller
Mrs. Alfred Gatty
Mrs. Angus W. Hall
Mrs. Beeton
Mrs. Bowdich
Mrs. C. F. Fraser
Mrs. D. A. Lincoln
Mrs. David Osborne
Mrs. Dowdall
Mrs. E. E. Kellogg
Mrs. E.R. Pitman
Mrs. F.L. Gillette
Mrs. George de Horne Vaizey
Mrs. Georgie Sheldon
Mrs. H. A. Adams
Mrs. Henry S. Mackarness
Mrs. Humphry Ward
Mrs. Inchbald
Mrs. J. S. Adams
Mrs. M. A. Pittock
Mrs. Mill
Mrs. Molesworth
Mrs. Oliphant
Mrs. Rodolph Stawell
Mrs. Rowson
Mrs. Thomas Concannon
Mrs. Wilson Woodrow
Mungo Park
Murasaki Shikibu
Muriel Hawker
Murray Leinster
Myron I. Scholnick
Myrtle Cheney Murdock
N. Bryllion Fagin
N. Hudson Moore
Napoléon Bonaparte
Nat Gould
Nat Love
Natalie Sumner Lincoln
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Nathaniel S. Prime
Nathaniel W. Stephenson
Ned Wayburn
Nehemiah Hawkins
Neil Munro
Nella Braddy Henney
Nellie Bly
Nellie L. McClung
Nels Anderson
Neltje Blanchan
Netta Syrett
Nettie Garmer Barker
Niccolò Machiavelli
Nicholas Carter
Nicola Francesco Haym
Niilo Idman
Nina H. Kennard
Ninon de Lenclos
Noah Webster
Noémie Dondel Du Faouëdic
Norbert Davis
Norman Angell
Norman Arkawy
Norman Douglas
Norman F. Langford
Norman Hinsdale Pitman
Norman Lindsay
O. Henry
Octave Feuillet
Octave Mirbeau
Octave Thanet
Octavus Roy Cohen
Ogier Ghislain de Busbecq
Olaudah Equiano
Old Sleuth
Olive Higgins Prouty
Olive M. Briggs
Olive Schreiner
Oliver Fleming
Oliver Goldsmith
Oliver Optic
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Onoto Watanna
Ontario Ministry of Education
Opie Percival Read
Orison Swett Marden
Orman Wesley Ketcham
Orville Dewey
Oscar Edward Cesare
Oscar Jewell Harvey
Oscar K. Davis
Oscar Wilde
Osgood E. Fuller
Oskar Maria Graf
Otterbein O. Smith
Ottilie A. Liljencrantz
Otto H. Adams
Otto Rank
Ottomar Behnsch
Ottwell Binns
Owen Johnson
Owen Jones
P. Chalmers Mitchell
P. Flourens
P. G. Wodehouse
P. J. Proudhon
P. R. Kincaid
P. Schuyler Miller
P.-L. Roederer
P.T. Barnum
Palmer Cox
Pamela Grey
Pappity Stampoy
Paramahansa Yogananda
Pardo de Tavera
Pascual de Leon
Pascual H. Poblete
Patricia Wentworth
Patrick Henry
Patrick O'Connor
Paul Bourget
Paul Bousfield
Paul G. Tomlinson
Paul Gauguin
Paul Gavarni
Paul Heyse
Paul J. Prescott
Paul Lacroix
Paul Laurence Dunbar
Paul M. Hollister
Paul S. Reinsch
Paul W. Fairman
Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins
Pearson Choate
Pedro de Cieza de León
Percival Christopher Wren
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Percy F. Westerman
Percy Fitzgerald
Percy Goetschius
Percy Greg
Percy James Brebner
Percy Keese Fitzhugh
Percy Lubbock
Percy Marks
Peter Abelard
Peter B. Kyne
Peter Baily
Peter Marcus
Peter Mark Roget
Peter Newell
Peter Rosegger
Peter Wiernik
Phebe Earle Gibbons
Phil May
Philip E. Muskett
Philip Francis Nowlan
Philip K. Dick
Phillips Brooks
Pierce Egan
Pierre Benoît
Pierre Clément
Pierre Loti
Pierre Louÿs
Pope Leo X. by Luther
Poul Anderson
Poul William Anderson
Prentiss Ingraham
Prince Sarath Ghosh
Princess Catherine Radziwill
Princess Der Ling
Prosper Mérimée
pseud. Delly
Publius Ovidius Naso
Pye Henry Chavasse
Q. K. Philander Doesticks
Quincy Allen
R Austin Freeman
R. A. Porati
R. Austin Freeman
R. Coltman Clephan
R. D. Blackmore
R. G. Baker
R. H. Crozier
R. H. Gronow
R. H. Taylor
R. H. Wadleigh
R. J. Campbell
R. J. Rice
R. L. Alsaker
R. L. Garner
R. L. Whiteside
R. Lewis
R. M. Ballantyne
R. O. Fenwick
R. R. Winterbotham
R. V. K. Applin
R. V. Risley
R. V. Russell
R.M. Ballantyne
Rabindranath Tagore
Rafael Sabatini
Rainer Maria Rilke
Ralph Albert Parlette
Ralph Barton Perry
Ralph Centennius
Ralph Connor
Ralph D. Paine
Ralph Dale Owen
Ralph Henry Barbour
Ralph P. Dillon
Ralph Scott
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ralph Waldo Trine
Ramsay Muir
Randall Garrett
Randall Parrish
Randolph C. Downes
Randolph Silliman Bourne
Raphael Holinshed
Ray Bradbury
Ray C. Noll
Ray Coppock Beery
Ray Cummings
Ray H. Mattison
Ray Palmer
Ray Smith
Ray Vaughn Pierce
Raymond Crawfurd
Raymond E. Banks
Raymond King Cummings
Raymond Roussel
Raymond Z. Gallun
Reagan V. Brown
Rebecca Lee Crumpler
Rebecca West
Reginald R. Sharpe
René Descartes
René Doumic
Restif de La Bretonne
Reuben Post Halleck
Rev. James MacCaffrey
Rev. T.M. Eddy
Rev. W. Tcikwell
Rex Beach
Reynold Alleyne Nicholson
Rheta Childe Dorr
Rhoda Broughton
Ricardo Palma
Richard A. Sternbach
Richard Arthur
Richard Ashby
Richard B. Morris
Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Richard Cannon
Richard Chenevix Trench
Richard Connell
Richard Corbet
Richard Edward Connell
Richard Garbe
Richard Garnett
Richard Glazebrook
Richard H. Hutton
Richard Hakluyt
Richard Harding Davis
Richard Henry Dana
Richard Henry Stoddard
Richard Hildreth
Richard Jefferies
Richard King
Richard Le Gallienne
Richard Lovell Edgeworth
Richard Magruder
Richard Maples
Richard Marsh
Richard Matheson
Richard Mitchell
Richard Newton
Richard O. Lewis
Richard Rolle Hampole
Richard S. Shaver
Richard von Krafft-Ebing
Richard Wagner
Richard Wilson
Richmal Crompton
Rick Raphael
Ring Lardner
Robert Abernathy
Robert Allen
Robert Anning Bell
Robert B. Booth
Robert Barr
Robert Benchley
Robert Browning
Robert Carlton Brown
Robert Chambers
Robert Donald Locke
Robert E. Howard
Robert E. Speer
Robert Elliott Flickinger
Robert Emmett McDowell
Robert F. Young
Robert Ford
Robert Frost
Robert Gordon Anderson
Robert Gore Browne
Robert Green Ingersoll
Robert Hamill Nassau
Robert Herrick
Robert Heywood
Robert Hichens
Robert Hugh Benson
Robert Huntington Fletcher
Robert Kerr
Robert Kiljander
Robert L. Taylor
Robert Louis Stevenson
Robert MacMicking
Robert Maitland
Robert Means Lawrence
Robert Mearns Yerkes
Robert Michael Ballantyne
Robert Moore Williams
Robert Schumann
Robert Sellar
Robert Service
Robert Shea
Robert Sheckley
Robert Silverberg
Robert Southey
Robert Steele
Robert Strange
Robert Vashon Rogers
Robert Venables
Robert W. Chambers
Robert W. Krepps
Robert W. Lowndes
Robert W. Service
Robert W. Wood
Robert Wallace
Robert Walser
Robert Wicks
Robina F. Hardy
Rog Phillips
Roger B. Whitman
Roger D. Aycock
Roger Kuykendall
Roger Sessions
Roger Sherman Tracy
Roger Starbuck
Roland Pertwee
Romain Rolland
Ronald Firbank
Rosa Graul
Rosa Mary Redding Mikels
Roscoe Conkling Bruce
Rose Wilder Lane
Ross Rocklynne
Rossiter Johnson
Roy Paetzke
Roy Rockwood
Royal Geographical Society
Rudolf Erich Raspe
Rudolph Valentino
Rudyard Kipling
Rufus Estes
Rufus P. Williams
Rui de Pina
Rupert Hughes
Russ Winterbotham
Russell H. Conwell
Ruth Alberta Brown
Ruth Brown MacArthur
Ruth Cranston
Ruth Plumly Thompson
Ruth Stiles Gannett
S Mukerji
S. A. Barnett
S. A. D. Tissot
S. A. D. Tissot
S. B. Dinkelspiel
S. Baring-Gould
S. D. Collingwood
S. Fowler Wright
S. J. Byrne
S. Lewis Ziegler
S. M. Tenneshaw
S. P. Langley
S. R. Crockett
S. Rosenbaum
S. T. Martyn
S. T. Rorer
S. Weir Mitchell
Saderra Masó
Saint Aquinas Thomas
Saint of Loyola Ignatius
Saint Thomas Aquinas
Sam Carson
Sam K. Cowan
Sam Moskowitz
Sam Vaknin
Sami Khalaf Hamarneh
Samosata Lucian
Samson Raphaelson
Samuel Alexander White
Samuel B. Allison
Samuel Butler
Samuel Edward Dibble
Samuel Foote
Samuel G. Bayne
Samuel Hopkins
Samuel Hopkins Adams
Samuel Irenæus Prime
Samuel J. Sackett
Samuel Johnson
Samuel Lover
Samuel Merwin
Samuel Pegge
Samuel Pepys
Samuel R Wells
Samuel Richardson
Samuel Smiles
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Samuel W. Francis
Samuel Wendell Williston
Sanford Bell
Sara Jeannette Duncan
Sara Teasdale
Sara Ware Bassett
Sarah Bernhardt
Sarah Cory Rippey
Sarah Fielding
Sarah Grand
Sarah J. Richardson
Sarah Macnaughtan
Sarah Tytler
Sax Rohmer
Saxton T. Pope
Scharlieb & Sibly
Scott Hemphil
Self-made man
Selma Lagerlöf
Sergei Aleksandrovich Nilus
Seumas O'Kelly
Sewell Peaslee Wright
Seymour Eaton
Shearjashub Spooner
Shelden Cheney
Sherwood Anderson
Shirley Barker
Shmuel Vaknin
Shoghi Effendi
Siddha Mohana Mitra
Sidney Howard
Sidney Lanier
Sidney Licht
Sidney Webb
Sidonie Gabrielle Colette
Sigge Strömberg
Sigmon M. Stern
Sigmund Freud
Sigurd Smith
Silas Xavier Floyd
Simeon Strunsky
Simon Newcomb
Simon Pokagon
Simona Sumanaru
Sinclair Gluck
Sinclair Lewis
Sir Alexander Burnes
Sir Archibald Geikie
Sir Aurel Stein
Sir Edgar R. Jones
Sir Edwin Arnold
Sir Hall Caine
Sir J. William Dawson
Sir James George Frazer
Sir James Steuart
Sir Joshua Reynolds
Sir Max Beerbohm
Sir Norman Lockyer
Sir Richard Francis Burton
Sir Richard Henry Bonnycastle
Sir Robert Christison
Sir Sidney Lee
Sir Walter Gilbey
Sir Walter Scott
Sir William George
Sir William Magnay
Sofronio G. Calderón
Solomon Bayley
Somerville Hastings
Sophie Swett
St. George Rathborne
Stanley G. Weinbaum
Stanley Grauman Weinbaum
Stanley Mullen
Stanley Waterloo
Stanley Whiteside
Stanton A. Coblentz
Stella Benson
Stéphane Mallarmé
Stephen A. Kallis
Stephen Coleridge
Stéphen Coubé
Stephen Crane
Stephen Graham
Stephen King-Hall
Stephen Leacock
Stephen Marlowe
Stephen Oliver
Stephen Paget
Stephen Phillips
Steve Solomon
Steven E. Jones
Stewart Culin
Stewart Edward White
Stuart Dodgson Collingwood
Students of Yale
Sue Greenleaf
Sun Tzu
Surendranath Dasgupta
Susan B. Anthony
Susan Coolidge
Susan Fenimore Cooper
Susan Warner
Susanna Moodie
Susannah Gunning
Susie F. Harrison
Sutton E. Griggs
Sydney C. Grier
Sylvester Bliss
Sylvester Graham
T. B. Ray
T. C. Harbaugh
T. D. Beasley
T. De Witt Talmage
T. F. G. Coates
T. J. de Boer
T. O'Conor Sloane
T. R. Allinson
T. R. Malthus
T. S. Ackland
T. S. Arthur
T. S. Stribling
T. Smollett
T. Troward
T. W. Arnold
Tadeo Xavier Henis
Talbot Baines Reed
Talbot Mundy
Tamar Davis
Teijiro Takagi
Temple Bailey
Teófilo Braga
Teuvo Pakkala
Th Ribot
The American National Red Cross
The Crafts
The Duchess
The Grimm Brothers
The Reformed Presbytery
Theodor Lipps
Theodor Storm
Theodore Dreiser
Theodore Foster
Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Wood
Theodosia Garrison
Théophile Gautier
Thérèse Bentzon
Theron L. Hiles
Thomas A. Janvier
Thomas Aldred
Thomas Alfred Spalding
Thomas Babington Macaulay
Thomas Bingley
Thomas Brassey
Thomas Bulfinch
Thomas Carlyle
Thomas Chandler Haliburton
Thomas Chapais
Thomas Chapman
Thomas Conant
Thomas D'Arcy McGee
Thomas De Quincey
Thomas Dick-Lauder
Thomas Dixon
Thomas E. Sanders
Thomas Frognall Dibdin
Thomas G. Gentry
Thomas Gray
Thomas H. Huxley
Thomas Hamilton Murray
Thomas Hardy
Thomas Harriot
Thomas Henry Huxley
Thomas Heywood
Thomas Hobbes
Thomas Holcroft
Thomas J. Bell
Thomas J. Murrey
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Keightley
Thomas L. Kinkead
Thomas Love Peacock
Thomas Malory
Thomas Mann
Thomas Miller
Thomas Moore
Thomas Morrison
Thomas Nathaniel Orchard
Thomas Nelson Page
Thomas Paine
Thomas Preskett Prest
Thomas R. Henry
Thomas R. R. Stebbing
Thomas Ridgley
Thomas S. Gardiner
Thomas S. Jones
Thomas Troward
Thomas W. Adams
Thomas Wentworth Higginson
Thomas Whiteside
Thomas Whitney Surette
Thomas Wright
Thorne Smith
Thornton Hall
Thornton W. Burgess
Thos. E. Watson
Tickner Edwardes
Titus Maccius Plautus
Tom Kettle
Tom W. Harris
Trinity College
Trumbull White
U. S. Army
Ulrich Bonnell Phillips
Ulysses S. Grant
United States
United States Rubber Company
Upton Sinclair
US Central Intelligence Agency
US Department Of Health
V. M. Hillyer
V. Sackville-West
Vachel Lindsay
Valentine Williams
Vance Barnum
Vance Randolph
Various Authors
Veikko Antero Koskenniemi
Vernon Lee
Vicente Blasco Ibáñez
Victor Appleton
Victor Bridges
Victor G. Durham
Victor Hugo
Victor MacClure
Victor Oscar Freeburg
Victoria C. Woodhull
Victoria Claflin Woodhull
Victoria Cross
Victoria Glad
Vingie E. Roe
Violet Hunt
Violet Irwin
Violet Moore Higgins
Virginia Baker
Virginia Bennett
Vitruvius Pollio
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
Voltairine De Cleyre
W. A. Clouston
W. Allison Sweeney
W. Bert Foster
W. Blanchard Jerrold
W. C. Brownell
W. C. Green
W. C. Tuttle
W. Crispin Sheppard
W. D. Westervelt
W. Douglas Newton
W. F. White
W. G. Aitchison Robertson
W. G. Burn Murdoch
W. G. Constable
W. G. Hier
W. G. Worfel
W. H. Barker
W. H. Collins
W. H. Davies
W. H. Dircks
W. H. Fitchett
W. H. Hudson
W. H. Leeds
W. H. Mallock
W. H. P. Jarvis
W. H. R. Curtler
W. H. Treacher
W. Heath Robinson
W. J. Matthews
W. J. Simmons
W. K. Tweedie
W. L. Courtney
W. M. Thackeray
W. P. Livingstone
W. R. Lethaby
W. S. B. Mathews
W. S. Gilbert
W. S. Morley
W. S. W. Vaux
W. Scott-Elliot
W. Somerset Maugham
W. Stewart Wallace
W. T. Councilman
W. W. Jacobs
W. Y. Morgan
W.E.B. Du Bois
W.H.G. Kingston
Waldemar Bonsels
Wallace Irvin
Wallace Irwin
Walt Coburn
Walt Mason
Walt Whitman
Walter A. Wyckoff
Walter Aimwell
Walter Bagehot
Walter Barnes
Walter Besant
Walter Crane
Walter De la Mare
Walter F. Austin
Walter Higgins
Walter Horatio Pater
Walter Jerrold
Walter Rowlands
Walter S. Tevis
Walter Savage Landor
Walter Scott
Ward Moore
Wardon Allan Curtis
Warren Hilton
Warwick Deeping
Washington Irving
Wassily Kandinsky
Wayland Fuller Dunaway
Wheeler Bloodgood
Wilfred T. Grenfell
Wilfrid Ball
Wilfrid D. Hambly
Wilhelm Alfred Braun
Wilhelm Bode
Wilhelm Busch
Wilhelm Hauff
Wilhelm Meinhold
Wilhelm Roscher
Wilkie Collins
Will H. Thompson
Will Lillibridge
Will N. Harben
Willa Cather
Willard F. Baker
Willard Grosvenor Bleyer
Willard Hawkins
William A. Alcott
William A. Hennessey
William Abbott Oldfather
William Aikman
William Alexander Fraser
William Allen White
William Ambrose Spicer
William and Mary Healy
William Andrews
William Balck
William Barrett Cooper
William Bateson
William Bemrose
William Bender
William Bennett Munro
William Blake
William Booth
William Brett Fishburne
William Butler Yeats
William Campbell Gault
William Clark Russell
William Cleaver Wilkinson
William Coppinger
William Cowper
William D. McClintock
William Day Simonds
William Dealtry
William Dean Howells
William Drysdale
William E. Barton
William Edwards Henderson
William Elliot Griffis
William Eveleigh
William F. Bigelow
William Fayette Fox
William Francis Butler
William Frederic Faber
William G. Allen
William Gemmell
William George Hooper
William George Laurence Beynon
William Giles Kingston
William Gordon Holmes
William Graham Sumner
William H. Edwards
William H. G. Kingston
William H. Holmes
William H. Taft
William Hale White
William Harrison Ainsworth
William Harvey
William Harvey Leathem
William Hazlitt
William Henry Babcock
William Henry Frost
William Henry Holmes
William Henry Irwin
William Henry Pyle
William Hetherington Harris
William Hillary
William Holmes McGuffey
William Hope Hodgson
William Howard Russell
William Howe
William Hunter
William I. Thomas
William Isaac Coppard
William J. Brittain
William J. Kountz, Jr
William J. Long
William J. Moore
William James
William James Stillman
William John Locke
William Law
William Le Queux
William MacLeod Raine
William Makepeace Thackeray
William Marsden
William Milligan Sloane
William Morris
William Morrison
William Morton Payne
William Nowlin
William O. Stoddard
William Oberfield
William Painter
William R. Corliss
William R. Lighton
William Ralph Inge
William Richard Lethaby
William Ridgeway
William Roscoe Thayer
William Salisbury
William Shakespeare
William Sharp McKechnie
William Stanley Braithwaite
William Stearns Davis
William Stevenson
William Still
William Stukeley
William T. Sherman
William T. Stead
William Tenn
William Theophilus Nichols
William Walker Atkinson
William Ware
William Wells Brown
William Westgarth
William Whewell
William Withering
William Wood
William Wordsworth
William Wright
Williams and Williams
Willis Boyd Allen
Willis John Abbott
Winfield H. Collins
Winston Churchill
Winston K. Marks
Winthrop Packard
Wm. Wells Brown
Woodrow Wilson
Woods Hutchinson
Wordsworth and Coleridge
Work Projects Administration
Y. Hirn
Yates Stirling
Yei Theodora Ozaki
Yogi Ramacharaka
Young Ewing Allison
Yves Guyot
Zacharias Topelius
Zane Grey
Zebina Forbush
Zona Gale