Historical Fiction Books

In Exitu Israel - An Historical Novel, Volume 1 (of 2)

S. Baring-Gould

Worship is the language of conviction. To a large and rapidly increasing body of Anglicans, Christ is not, as He is to Protestants, a mere historical personage, the founder of Christianity, but is the..


Franz Kuhn

The young reader will probably feel most interested in Barbarossa as a Crusader, particularly because in this connection appear the two young knights, Raymond and Conrad, who became the protégés of Ba..

Hans of Iceland, Vol. 1 of 2

Victor Hugo

We give this book back to the world in 1833 as it was written in 1821, because we feel that the work, ingenuous, if nothing else, gives a tolerably faithful picture of the age that produced it. Moreov..

Hans of Iceland, Vol. 2 of 2

Victor Hugo

There is something desolate and forbidding in the aspect of a bare, flat region when the sun has set, when one is alone; when, as he walks, he tramples the dry grass beneath his feet, the dead brown l..

The Yellow Frigate

James Grant

It is not the fine west window which overlooks the wooded path that winds by the river-side, and is known as "the Good Bishop's walk," nor the ruined shrine where sleeps St. Blane of Bute—he whose boa..

The Scottish Cavalier - An Historical Romance, Volume 1 (of 3)

James Grant

From the historical and descriptive nature of the following tale, the Author intended that certain passages should be illustrated with notes, containing the local traditions and authorities from which..

The Scottish Cavalier - An Historical Romance, Volume 2 (of 3)

James Grant

In 1570 the Guard consisted of a hundred curassiers, or hommes-des-armes, a hundred archers of the corps, and twenty-five "keepers of the King's body,"—all Scottish gentlemen of noble descent and coat..

The Scottish Cavalier - An Historical Romance, Volume 3 (of 3)

James Grant

There was something very gloomy and catafalcque-like in the aspect of the gigantic bed in which Lilian was to repose; its massive posts of dark oak and darker ebony were covered embossage, and the dee..