Dwight V. Swain Books

Battle Out of Time

Dwight V. Swain

Why was it always so between him and Ariadne? What was there about this slim Minoan princess that the very sight of her should make his firmest resolves melt? The women he'd known in his own world—the..

You Can't Buy Eternity!

Dwight V. Swain

Behind them, sand heaved at the base of the rock pillar that had been their first goal. A figure pushed up out of the drifted grit. It was the man from the carrier. Shooting quick glances to right and..

Cry Chaos!

Dwight V. Swain

The Thorian's eyes flicked to the Earthman in the same instant. Desperately, he tried to halt his headlong plunge—to throw himself sidewise, out of the way. He moved too late. The steel struck home. T..

Bring Back My Brain!

Dwight V. Swain

The pig-eyes flicked to Dane as he turned. The lumpy face split in an ugly grin. "Well! Sleeping beauty's awake! Maybe we can come up with some answers of our own after all, before her royal highness ..

The Weapon From Eternity

Dwight V. Swain

Twin blue-and-silver Federation banners marked the place of the high commissioner of all the asteroids. His table stood at the far end of the vast room that had been Ktar Wassreck's workshop. Other ta..

Planet of Dread

Dwight V. Swain

The girl threw herself aside barely in time. The roller missed her by scant inches. Racing on, once more it struck the ring-wall, even harder than before ... caromed off like a huge ball bouncing ... ..

The Terror Out of Space

Dwight V. Swain

The hatchmen were already gathering with their sealers. The hum of the converters rose in an all-pervasive drone. Up in the tech quarters once more, Boone wryly slipped the card bearing Eileen's name ..