Classicly Collection of Books

Forest Scenes in Norway and Sweden

Henry Newland

The author has enlarged upon this, in the faint hope of drawing attention to these matters. He would suggest that some sort of superintendence would not be altogether superfluous, and that it is not e..

Our Winnie, and The Little Match Girl

Evelyn Everett-Green

Winifred did not know this; she only knew that she could not run about and play like other children, that she soon grew tired, and that it was much more pleasure to her to sit on the nursery window-se..

The Husband’s Story

David Graham Phillips

To aggravate my situation, in the letter accompanying the manuscript, after several pages of the discriminating praise most dear to a writer’s heart, he did me the supreme honor of saying that in his ..

The Rockspur Eleven

Burt L. Standish

Looking up, Don saw Leon Bentley stopping outside the fence. As usual, Leon was smoking a cigarette. He was dressed in a padded football suit, with his cap set rakishly over one ear, and his manner wa..

The Stuff of Manhood

Robert E. Speer

What is good in our lives as individuals and in our life as a nation is not in need of discussion here. And there is no nobility in analyzing and deriding our weaknesses. Our purpose is to urge our ke..

The Wizard Scout of the Army

George Waldo Browne

General J. E. Johnston, the commander of the Confederate forces in Georgia, at the head of forty-five thousand men, was intrenched at Dalton, lying in wait for the advancing troops of Sherman, then ma..

Woman in the golden ages

Amelia Gere Mason

These essays are limited mainly to the golden ages of Greece, Rome, and the Renaissance, with a brief interlude that serves as a transition from pagan to medieval times. The mantle of the great Italia..

Chronicles of Pharmacy, Vol. 2 (of 2)

A. C. Wootton

Glauber states that he had known of wonderful cures effected by these remedies. But the reason was simple. Human dung, for example, is nothing but bread and flesh reduced into their first matters, all..