Classicly Collection of Books

Out of the Woods

Elisabeth Sanxay Holding

When Ethel Taylor came home, at nineteen, her grandmother seemed like a little ghost from the past, utterly unconnected with her present life. She still went to visit the old lady, and sat in the fami..

The Real Question as to Altar Lights

Edward James Phipps

I do not now attempt to prove these things—they have been, thank God, repeatedly asserted and enforced by ancient and modern divines of the greatest piety and learning in the Church of England; nor ha..

The Story of Zephyr

Jeanie Oliver Smith

Edwy had been called “The Little Trapper.” He had read every book he could find about animals. After reading some of them, he would be the “warrior bold”; would long to be old enough to shoot and slay..

A Selection of Cases on the Law of Torts

James Barr Ames

They are mere matters of pedagogical expediency. He should bear in mind that the law is a unit and should be on his guard against thinking of it as made up of separate water-tight compartments. Genera..

Dogs Always Know

Elisabeth Sanxay Holding

There was a steep hill before them, and they went at it with that feeling of pleasant excitement one has about new hills; they wanted to get to the top and see what was on the other side. And very lik..

Lessons in Sabre

John Musgrave Waite

It is true that to many of those who learn how to handle the sabre this matter is not of much importance, inasmuch as what they seek is a healthy and interesting exercise, and as they are ixnot likely..

Researches on the Visual Organs of the Trilobites

Gustaf Lindstrom

Before proceeding further I shall give a general representation of the shape of the hypostoma. This enigmatic part of the trilobite skeleton resembles as to its outline a heraldic shield being broad a..


Thomas Heywood

The Late Lancashire Witches and the Wise Woman of Hogsdon are comedies of English life, without that element of romantic interest which Heywood usually added to the domestic drama. The plot of the lat..