Classicly Collection of Books

The Vicious Delinquents

Mark Reinsberg

Knowing where each tunnel led, my present choice was simple: by seven tunnels I could postpone an immediate showdown with Naomi, since these went to barracks and work rooms and supply centers. The eig..

Essays of a Biologist

Julian Huxley

Most of mankind, now as in the past, close their eyes to this possibility. They seek to put off their responsibility on to the shoulders of various abstractions which they think can bear their burden ..

Graham's Magazine, Vol. XIX, No. 4, October 1841

George R. Graham

Brother and sister! Alas! we are alone. Manhood has left us of that happy time only these emotions—first felt in the companionship of that now sainted being. But never shall we forget those days. They..

How Old Is It? The Story of Dating in Archeaology

James Schoenwetter

The absolute clock utilized most widely in archaeology is the historical record. Men have used calendars for a long time, and have often left records with written dates. On tombstones at a site in old..

How to Sing

Luisa Tetrazzini

Singers may be divided into two classes. No, I do not mean, as some might suppose, those who can sing and those who cannot, though that is a possible classification. I mean in this case those who sing..

Practical School Discipline - Applied Methods, Part 1

Ray Coppock Beery

The Teachers’ Club is a coöperative organization from which we expect the most stimulating results—results which can be made much more effective by personal correspondence with its members. Your exper..

The English Secretary

Angel Day

The English Secretary; or, Methode of Writing Epistles and Letters (1599)With, a Declaration of Such Tropes, Figures, and Schemes, as Either Usually or for Ornament Sake Are Therein Required.Now becau..

The House of Adventure

Warwick Deeping

A look of spiritualized intelligence sharpened Brent’s face. His eyes ceased to be dead and listless. Something stirred in him, a passion to escape, perhaps a hunger for the finer things that had pass..