Classicly Collection of Books

Geschichte vom braven Kasperl und dem schönen Annerl

Clemens Brentano

Es war Sommersfrühe, die Nachtigallen sangen erst seit einigen Tagen durch die Straßen und verstummten heut in einer kühlen Nacht, welche von fernen Gewittern zu uns herwehte. Der Nachtwächter rief di..

Gockel, Hinkel und Gackeleia

Clemens Brentano

In Deutschland in einem wilden Wald, zwischen Gelnhausen und Hanau, lebte ein ehrenfester bejahrter Mann, und der hieß Gockel. Gockel hatte ein Weib, und das hieß Hinkel. Gockel und Hinkel hatten ein ..

The Gentleman of Fifty and The Damsel of Nineteen

George Meredith

Passing over Ickleworth Bridge and rounding up the heavily-shadowed river of our narrow valley, I perceived a commotion as of bathers in a certain bright space immediately underneath the vicar's terra..

The Sentimentalists

George Meredith

The Sentimentalists is a comedy drama written by George Meredith. One husband! The woman consenting to marriage takes but one. For her there is no widowhood. That punctuation of the sentence called de..

Diana of the Crossways

George Meredith

Inspired by the real life story of Caroline Norton, a friend of the author's, this book tells about a lively woman who is trapped in a miserable marriage. Yet Diana is not one to give up in her quest ..


George Meredith

In those lusty ages when the Kaisers lifted high the golden goblet of Aachen, and drank, elbow upward, the green-eyed wine of old romance, there lived, a bow-shot from the bones of the Eleven Thousand..

Lord Ormont and His Aminta

George Meredith

A procession of schoolboys having to meet a procession of schoolgirls on the Sunday's dead march, called a walk, round the park, could hardly go by without dropping to a hum in its chatter, and the sh..

One of Our Conquerors

George Meredith

A gentleman, noteworthy for a lively countenance and a waistcoat to match it, crossing London Bridge at noon on a gusty April day, was almost magically detached from his conflict with the gale by some..