Classicly Collection of Books

Darwinism (1889)

Alfred Russel Wallace

Darwinism (1889) is an exposition of the theory of natural selection, with some of its applications written by  Alfred Russel Wallace, a British naturalist, explorer, geographer, anthropologist, ..

Female Suffrage - A Letter to the Christian Women of America

Susan Fenimore Cooper

Female Suffrage: A Letter to the Christian Women of America is written by Susan Augusta Fenimore Cooper, an American writer and amateur naturalist. She founded an orphanage in Cooperstown, New Yo..

Hidden Creek

Katharine Newlin Burt

Hidden Creek is a juvenile fiction work for girls written by Katharine Newlin Burt, an American novelist and film scenarist. She was a prolific author of Westerns and other novels, with a publishing c..

L'Île Des Pingouins

Anatole France

L'Île Des Pingouins is a French origin of Penguin Island , a satire on French civilization written by Anatole France, who was a French poet, journalist, and novelist with several best-sellers. Ironic ..

La piraterie dans l'antiquité

Jules M. Sestier

La piraterie dans l'antiquité is a pirates work written by Jules M. Sestier.Tous les peuples primitifs établis dans les pays méditerranéens ont exercé la piraterie dans l'antiquité. Il me faudra donc ..

Le capitaine Pamphile

Alexandre Dumas

Le capitaine Pamphile is the French origin of Captain Pamphile or The Adventures of Captain Pamphile is an 1839 French adventure novel by Alexandre Dumas. It was aimed at children and had a strong ant..

Le journal d'une pensionnaire en vacances

Noémie Dondel Du Faouëdic

Le journal d'une pensionnaire en vacances is a French voyages and travels book written by Noémie Dondel Du Faouëdic...

A Hidden Life and Other Poems

George MacDonald

A Hidden Life and Other Poems is a religious poems written by George MacDonald, a Scottish author, poet and Christian minister. He was a pioneering figure in the field of fantasy literature and the me..