Biography Books

The Maid of Orleans

Friedrich Henning

The life story of Joan of Arc, as told in this volume, closely follows the historical facts as well as the official records bearing upon her trial and burning for “heresy, relapse, apostasy, and idola..

Life of James Mars, a Slave Born and Sold in Connecticut

James Mars

I came to Norfolk on a visit at the time the war broke out, and some in Norfolk remember that I was once a slave. They asked me about it; I told them something about it; they seemed to take an interes..

The Last Days of the Romanovs

George Gustav Telberg

During the night between the 16th and 17th of July, 1918, the former Russian Emperor Nicholas II, his family, as well as all the persons attached to it, were murdered by the order of the Yekaterinburg..

Charles Peace, or The Adventures of a Notorious Burglar


Charles Peace, from his very boyhood, was wild. It is said that there was no adventure to be undertaken in regard to which he had any fear; neither did he require twice telling when he was requested t..

Pioneer Work in Opening the Medical Profession to Women

Elizabeth Blackwell

The idea taking shape.—When I returned from the Kentucky engagement the family had removed to the pleasant suburb of Walnut Hills, where the well-known Lane Theological Seminary, under the direction o..

The Youth of Washington

S. Weir Mitchell

The Youth of Washington: Told in the Form of an Autobiography by S. Weir Mitchell. My reflections have brought back to mind a remark which seems to me just, made by my aide, Colonel Tilghman, a m..

Marie Corelli - The Writer and the Woman

T. F. G. Coates

Miss Marie Corelli’s unique personality has aroused interest and curiosity among all classes of society, and we are aware that the present work will be diligently searched for intimate information reg..

A Child of the Orient

Demetra Vaka

I was disappointed at her reception of it, and to save my little flag from feeling the mortification I hugged it and kissed it. I wanted very much to explain to Kiamelé all that it stood for, and how ..