Anthropology Books

Motor Camping

John Cuthbert Long

There are many thousands of acres of free camping grounds in the national and state public playgrounds. In addition, nearly every town west of the Appalachians has its camp site, while on the Atlantic..

Wanderings in Three Continents

Sir Richard Francis Burton

Burton was a many-sided man. The following volume of posthumous essays reveals him in the aspect in which he was best known to the world—​as a traveller and explorer. It will add comparatively little ..

The Japanese New Year’s Festival, Games and Pastimes

Helen Cowen Gunsaulus

The Japanese prints with which we are most familiar in this country are those known as nishikiye, literally “brocade picture.” Generally speaking, they are portraits of actors and famous beauties or l..

To the American Indian

Lucy Thompson

HE Old Klamath Bluffs Store, or fort, and in late years the Klamath Post Office, was built in 1855 or 1856, by a man named Snider. He conducted it as a trading post for Indians, soldiers and travelers..

The Lives of Celebrated Travellers, Vol. 3

James Augustus St. John

PETER SIMON PALLAS: This traveller, whose works are comparatively little known in England, was born at Berlin, September 22, 1741. His father, who was an able surgeon, entertained the design of educat..

The Chinese Dragon

L. Newton Hayes

The subject of this little book is of general interest to people who are acquainted with things Chinese. The dragon has played a large part in Chinese thought through four thousand and more years. Eve..

Legend Land Vol 4


Volume Four brings Legend Land nearer to the great centres of modern life. It comprises some of the old stories told of districts within easy reach of such busy cities as London, Birmingham and Bristo..

Legend Land, Vol 3


This third volume of Legend Land tells some more of the old stories of those peoples, kindred in origin, the Welsh and the Cornish. They are mostly the old tales that have survived—who shall say how m..