Agatha Christie Books

The Secret Adversary

Agatha Christie

Sounds Like a 1930 s mystery including a humorous edge. Well written and easy to read. Neat to read about the tension and espionage between WWI and WWII. See outside view of US. Precisely what one wou..

The Secret of Chimneys

Agatha Christie

Anthony had by now well mastered his duties. In addition to making the necessary arrangements of travel, they included soothing down irritable old gentlemen when their dignity was ruffled, seeing that..

The Plymouth Express Affair

Agatha Christie

Halliday rang the bell, and gave a short order to the footman. A few minutes later Jane Mason entered the room, a respectable, hard-featured woman, as emotionless in the face of tragedy as only a good..

The Hunter's Lodge Case

Agatha Christie

I was in a fever of impatience to get at all the facts. Japp had two or three hours start of me, and his anxiety to be gone made me keen to be close at his heels.Mrs. Havering did not keep me waiting ..

The Missing Will

Agatha Christie

Tired with our journey, including an eight-mile drive from the station, we had retired at once to bed after a supper of roast chicken, apple pie and Devonshire cream. We had now disposed of an excelle..